
  1. M

    Hello from ba new member

    I was recently diagnosed with Fibro after being a Massage therapist full time for nearly 10 years and owning my own spa for 6.5 years. Problem is we didn't have enough employee's so now I got carpal tunnel and Fibro diagnosed almost at the same time and even after the surgery I am not...
  2. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...
  3. F

    Great Book for FM/CFS Suffers

    Hi: I feel it is important that I share this information with you, I am certain that anyone with FM/CFS/ME will gain a wealth of knowledge from this book. It is called "CFS Unravelled" by Dan Neuffer.] The auther lives in Austrailia and they use the phrase "CFS" for fibromyalgia as well as...
  4. S

    My story, and some questions...

    Hello! (I posted part of this in the New Members area also) I am honestly not sure what I am doing on here, hoping for support and to become closer to people who are suffering from the same things I am. This is sort of long, like a novel, so, I am sorry for that! My name is Melissa, I am a 27...
  5. S

    New to forum, not to pain...

    Hello! I am honestly not sure what I am doing on here, hoping for support and to become closer to people who are suffering from the same things I am. This is sort of long, like a novel, so, I am sorry for that! My name is Melissa, I am a 27 yr old single mom from KY. I have had pain, all over...
  6. Yatte

    Fibromyalgia and allergies

    After reading some of your posts I found something a lot of us have in common. Food or medicine allergies. I am allergic to shellfish, iodine, morphine, cortisone and some kinds of antibiotics. Some of my allergies have severe reactions, others only worsen my IBS. The cortisone for instance...
  7. I

    Need to Vent

    I really need to vent so have decided to do it here. I have had fibro for 2 years, it is so severe I cannot work. My neurologist told me from the beginning he believes it is work-related. I filed for social security disability, got denied twice, filed my second appeal and am just waiting for...
  8. G

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica is a parasite discovered by hemotologist, Dr Steven Fry. He believes the organism may cause numerous neurological diseases, including ALS. The following is Part I of the transcript of a recent interview with Steven Fry, MD. Please do not expect your physician or other...
  9. G

    Newby introduction...

    Hi everyone, This is my first post on the forum so I probably should begin with a little background information. My name is Dale I just hit 31 years old and got diagnosed a bit over 3 years ago (symptoms began about 6 months earlier) whilst studying in northern China (funny story about that...
  10. G

    Alone and lost

    Let me begin by apologizing. My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over, making it difficult to follow my thought patterns. Please be patient with me. I'm a 44 yr old single mother of 2 wonderful young men aged 23 and 18, both live at home with me. I stopped working almost 4 years ago, and...