
  1. P

    New to Site but NOT New to Fibro or Pain

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... sorry, I could not resist. That is just one of my other conditions rearing its head, StarWarsNerd-itis. Hey, we have to find something to laugh about, right? Anyway, I guess this is my Fibro story... I was always an active kid. I mean, I had my share...
  2. K

    How does your doctor treat your fibro pain

    My Rheum gave me one medicine which is basically a type of Ibuprofen. She also suggested physical therapy. That was the extend of things. I am wondering what else might be available to me?
  3. S

    Need someone to talk to.

    Hi, I need someone to talk to. I have run out of pain medicine and my doctor is on vacation. The doctor on call doesnt believe in fibro, and the hospital doesnt want to help that much were pain is concerned. I havent had pain meds for 2 days and Im hurting so bad. I just want someone to talk to...
  4. Trellum

    Am I crazy!?!?

    I went to see another doctor due my strong headache issues and stuffed nose, well guess what? He ordered a CT scan of the sinuses... He is the third doctor to order a CT scan, the neurologist I saw some days ago ordered a brain CT scan, the proctologist I saw 2 months ago ordered a chest CT scan...
  5. J

    Western Medicine not effective for Chronic Issues

    I am starting to believe that western medicine is not effective for dealing with chronic issues. While I value western medicine for address acute issues very effectively. The approach they take for giving you a pill for a symptom doesn't help for chronic issues. I now strongly believe in most...
  6. D

    Epidural or Spinal Block?

    Hello, I am new here, but also have a rare disease called SYRINGOHYDROMYALGIA. It means I have a cavity in my spinal cord. It is incurable. Before any tests were done doctors were diagnosing me with CF and Fibro. It took another several years and many tests and still no diagnosis. I was out with...
  7. N

    Does it ever get better?

    So I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March (2014) and started taking 60mg off cymbalta (30 twice a day) and have relief from the pain and most of the fatigue. Except, here is the problem... Before the pain and fatigue started I was working 50-60 hours a week in a high stress environment, I...
  8. G


    Hello, I am new to this forum. I am suffering with fibromyalgia pain and CFS. I am hoping to find new ways to deal with this. I have tried all the FMS pain medications and my doctor say we have hit the brick wall with western medicine. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Gen
  9. A

    Headaches and Storms

    Some of the worst, most annoying pain I have is during the Spring. I get terrible headaches when stormy weather hits. Friday, we had some pretty bad tornado weather and I thought my head was going to explode. The pain gets so bad, I actually end up throwing up and nothing will take it away...
  10. M

    Seeking support

    I have been living in a tight knit community for almost four years. The fact that I feel so desperate right now for support and am turning to the internet angers me. I wish there was a better undertanding of chronic illnesses out there. People have no freakn clue. It is so hard. I am sick of...