
  1. C

    Fibromyalgia and sertraline

    My MIL has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and has been prescribed sertraline as one of her medications. I also have sertraline for a severe anxiety disorder, and am aware that it is used to treat depression and/or anxiety. Is it normal for people with fibromyalgia to be prescribed...
  2. S

    Cat Scan anyone?

    I had a cat scan w/contrast done a couple of months ago. For 2 weeks afterwards everything was worse...pain, fatigue, brain fog; I'm still a little worse than before the procedure. I even got the onset of new pain (like I needed that) in my hips. The hair has basically slowed down to almost a...
  3. D

    Extreme heaviness in my head in the morning

    Hello I've been feeling this on and off for a few years but been having it again. It's been pretty bad. I'll be awake and aware of it and dreaming, but can't open my eyes as the tiredness and heaviness is so painful and strong. I'll maybe be able to force an eye open but fall back into sleep...
  4. R

    Sleep medications

    Sleep is a major issue with FM patients with restless leg syndrome RLS, teeth grinding and sleep apnea being common culprits. If no particular cause of sleep disturbance can be pinpointed, antidepressants taken in low doses should be given. These are not addictive and have few contraindications...
  5. R

    Medications: Lines of defence

    Fibromyalgia being a syndrome manifests in different ways in different people with the chronic denominator being pain. Pain medications are indispensable to ameliorate the same. Some medications like Aspirin and Panadol can be classified as the first line of defence while common fibromyalgia...
  6. W

    The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest

    Although this is a forum about Fibromyalgia, the information in this video series relates to big pharma, and the profit in cancer (and other) medical treatments and medications. Personally, I'd rather the industry focus on a cure, rather than toxic treatments. The videos are extremely...
  7. M


    I had a friend that had a disease where she would have sudden spells where she would fall asleep, the drs had her on medications for that, surely theres a med out there to give us energy.
  8. W

    Diaphragmatic Breathing and Blood Pressure

    I know some don't believe in natural methods, or would prefer to rely on medication, but I prefer to limit the number and type of medications I put into my body. Blood pressure medication is something I'm averse to, because it could complicate at least a few of my other issues. I have a...
  9. W

    Idk what to do.

    Hi I'm not sure how to start but I need to find out answers to questions I have about fibromyalgia. Here is some backround information about my wife and I. We are both in in our early 30s and we are highschool sweethearts. We have been together for 14 years, married for 8 of the 14 (no breaks or...
  10. D

    Advances for migraine - might apply to fibromyalgia?

    I listened to a pod cast about recent advances in treatment of migraines the other day. The older theory for how migraines are caused is that the blood vessels dialate then contract, causing pain. The newest research indicates that migraine is actually a central nervous system sensitization...