
  1. S

    My Fatigue Is Horrible

    I haven't been here in a while, and had forgotten I use to be a member. I found this forum again, and after reading what Fibromyalgia can do to us I knew it was time to come back here. I also have sjogren's, lupus, hypothyroid, and diabetes type 2, so I think I have been minimizing what this...
  2. N

    Symptom Relief with Diet?

    I just heard from my friend that she has fibromyalgia but doesn't take medications to relieve her symptoms. Instead, she changed her diet and her symptoms have improved. She doesn't eat gluten, corn or dairy. I think she does this also because she has celiac, but it also helped with her...
  3. H

    Newly Diagnosed - Don't know if I can deal with this level of pain!!!

    Hi I am newly diagnosed, and was told to go see "someone that specializes in Fibromyalgia". The medicine that they gave me has run out. I have no insurance and can not afford to pay out of pocket. Thanks for taking the time to read this and am hoping someone can provide me with information...
  4. T

    Doctors visit

    Hi all, Just wanted to tell you about my visit to the doctor last week. He has now diagnosed me with IBS, high blood pressure (154/94)and high cholesterol all of which he gave me medications for including an inhaler for my asthma. So now I am taking 28 medications a day not including the...
  5. T

    new member

    Hello, In terrible pain left side only, shooting pain in left arm and leg with weakness. I don't know where else to turn. I'm in the Pittsburgh area if anyone knows a good doctor please chime in. am I allowed to discuss medications?
  6. D

    Interstitial cystitis

    Any one else have this? Any tips for medications that help the terrible pain I get? I know all about the IC diet reducing oxolates and acidic foods and drinking bicarbonate of soda...none of these are effective for me. The burning throbbing pain from the waist down, inside and out is the worst...
  7. T

    How many is to many?

    I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing with me how many medications they take a day. Between my vitamins and the number of times a day I have to take certain medications I am taking 22 pills a day. That seems excessive to me. So I was just wondering if that was high...
  8. F

    Pregnancy and fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group as of today. For 8 years I have suffered from fibromyalgia, but was able to cope with my daily symptoms and pain with medication. But 3 weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant, and after speaking with my doctor, discontinued all medications for the safety of...
  9. W

    In A Flare

    For the past several years, my Fibromyalgia has been somewhat stable, with everyday symptoms that I've learned to cope with, and about 2 flares per year. Once I fall into a pattern, I find it easier to manage life, my pain, and my other symptoms, because although the symptoms are miserable, they...
  10. W

    Pumpkin, really?

    I know that many of us have other medical conditions that go along with Fibromyalgia. One of the major ailments that affects just about everything I do, is IBS. I have the D version, which means diarrhea. I tend not to take medications that supposedly treat diarrhea, because then I end up with...