
  1. 1sweed

    Migraine Headaches & Fibromyalgia

    I think for anyone who has fibro, the severe headaches can be scarier than the muscle pain. Often the medications used for migraine headaches has limited success and are difficult to take when one gets nausea with the headache. Laying in a dark room with cold compresses sometimes helps to...
  2. 1sweed

    Improving Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, life can be spent running to the bathroom or sitting in the bathroom trying to go. Or a combination of both. When your at your wits end in trying to figure out the best way to handle the problem and nothing is working, I have provided a few tips to...
  3. D

    Diagnosed with CFS

    Just introducing myself. Hi I was diagnosed with CFS in 1999, following a couple of years of constant viral infections. I was given various blood tests which all came back negative. My white cells were mapped and found to be working properly in response to each infection, but still new...
  4. G

    What to take for fatigue

    Sorry, folks, to re-visit this topic. When i was first diagnosed I read a thread about medications being taken for fatigue/tiredness. One of the medications a few of you were taking was something that either MS or Parkinson's patients took but it helped some of you. I searched 'energy' and...
  5. G

    Sunflower or Seasme OIL

    Long-term use of vitamin E supplements may help protect against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), according to a recent report from the American Journal of Epidemiology. Vitamin E. Vitamin E has attracted significant attention from ALS researchers as a...
  6. G

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica is a parasite discovered by hemotologist, Dr Steven Fry. He believes the organism may cause numerous neurological diseases, including ALS. The following is Part I of the transcript of a recent interview with Steven Fry, MD. Please do not expect your physician or other...
  7. G

    Does anyone share my symptoms?

    I am a 28 year old female and have been living with chronic pain for the past 4 years. I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything other than fibromyalgia. My symptoms would come and go in pretty regular patterns and last for about 4-7 days. No medications helped. I was difficult to...