
  1. R

    New to the forum, new(ish) to Fibro

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 10 months ago, and am still learning to deal with it. I have tried various medications, none seem to be working, and just recently started taking tramadol along with flexeril. So far, so good, but it has only been a few days for the Tramadol. Neurontin was...
  2. S

    Gone for a while, back with big news...

    So, I was put on Savella about a month and a half ago. That along with Gabapentin and Valium and Celexa seemed to be lessening some of the pain... 2 weeks ago I was drastically taken off of EVERYTHING when I found out I am pregnant. I am about 6 weeks along now and in the worst pain I have ever...
  3. 1sweed

    Chronic Fatigue, Just Plain Exhausted

    This post is concerned with information and news concerning what chronic fatigue is and what is being done to improve the symptoms. This topic here is for news and general information. While chronic fatigue goes along with fibromyalgia, some people are only diagnosised with it, without having...
  4. S

    Lyrica and Coughing?

    Has anyone noticed a "prickly throat" cough with Lyrica? Starting almost literally just hours after my first dose I've felt like I've had pin-prick points of irritation in my throat. Like a single grain of sand has stuck to my throat and I can't cough it up. Drinking doesn't help, either, and it...
  5. M

    Fibromyalgia - when no one believes you're sick

    Hello all! I'm 24 years old and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia about 3 years ago. It first started as just some small shooting pains in my arms, so I got a blood test and it showed that I had rheumatoid arthritis. My rheumatologist had me on tons of different...
  6. S

    My story, and some questions...

    Hello! (I posted part of this in the New Members area also) I am honestly not sure what I am doing on here, hoping for support and to become closer to people who are suffering from the same things I am. This is sort of long, like a novel, so, I am sorry for that! My name is Melissa, I am a 27...
  7. S

    New to forum, not to pain...

    Hello! I am honestly not sure what I am doing on here, hoping for support and to become closer to people who are suffering from the same things I am. This is sort of long, like a novel, so, I am sorry for that! My name is Melissa, I am a 27 yr old single mom from KY. I have had pain, all over...
  8. O

    I feel like nothing works...

    I am in such severe pain constantly. Pain medication does not work unless it is strong and I will not take that because I do not want to be out of it. Those kind of medications are just not an option in my book. I currently take topiramate but feel it really does not work. I would really...
  9. O

    Hi im new

    I was diagnosed with FM 2 years ago at age 18 after having extremely severe mono ( so they think). I have tried a few medications and am currently on topiramate ( topamax) and it really does nothing to help. I have been on it about a year and was on gabbapentin previously which was a nightmare...
  10. R


    Hi everyone. I have inflammation of the muscles for over 30 yrs. The pain has increased as the weeks go by. The last five yrs. has been the worst. My Dr. has put me on morphine & a muscle relaxing medications. It works for a few hours but comes back. I deal with this 24/7. I have had...