
  1. N

    Home remedies vs doctors medication

    Recently people have been turning towards the use of home remedies in trying to minimize or even cure fibromyalgia. Several treatments have been tried such as herbs, supplements, and alternative treatments, for relief of fibromyalgia symptoms but none have cured but at least assisted minimizing...
  2. MizzDeeDee

    Doctors want me to just suck it up!

    I just developed high blood pressure in the last few months and am now going to a cardiologist. I recently started smoking again because I'm on nothing for pain and it helps very mildly with symptoms. I live in Virginia, so I can't smoke pot for pain. As it is, I'm already in pain, I'm just...
  3. C

    on disability not working now what

    So I've gone through the roller coaster ride of being diagnosed, changing medications, trying to find what works, dealing with your employer, dealing with your insurance company, your family, being off work... and now what.. trying to adjust your life to the ups and downs of living with Fibro...
  4. L

    New to the Group - Lots of questions, please!

    Hi, I have had pain for a long time and I am finally going to a rheumatologist today. I have been doing a lot of research on fibromyalgia and I have almost all the symptoms. Can someone advise me on things I need to ask the doctor, please. Also, is anyone getting relief from anything they...
  5. MercyL

    IF Not Laughter, What?

    My question about laughter was narrow and excluded other outlets for the frustration we all feel when, despite all of our efforts and medications, we still have days laced with cruel, writhing pain or insurmountable fatigue. I find that , once humor has provided all that it can, I seek...
  6. T

    Interstitial Cystitis(painful bladder syndrome)

    hello So have just been to Doctor today and he suspects I may have this: Interstitial Cystitis(painful bladder syndrome) or an overactive bladder. Was just wondering if anybody else has this or other similar bladder problems? I continually feel like I need to pee even though I don't and...
  7. K

    New here.. not new to Fibro

    Hi folks. I am a 50 year old woman who was diagnosed with Fibro almost 2 years ago. I found the site in my search for relief. It all began in 2011 when I could no longer wake up or stay awake and I started having severe muscle fatigue. I started with my family doctor. He tested me to every...
  8. H

    Need to vent

    So, just got back to work from the Doc's office. Hubby went with me to my appointment and the Doc and I were discussing my medications and he started to discuss the possibility of a couple of medications that had addictive qualities and I told him I would prefer to use those medications as a...
  9. 2

    New Members

    :-( Hello, I am new here unfortunately not to fibromyalgia. I can look back to 1986 and see things I did not understand. I am on disability not a problem and on severe medications. If I am lucky enough to have two great hours as a former workaholic I misuse them because for awhile I am o k. It...
  10. M

    muscle pain relief in Taiwan

    Every now and then, when we're working hard, we hurt our back. It might be from moving a piece of furniture and lifting it incorrectly, or from too much yard work. Often this pain in your back is muscular. While this can often be a painful situation, you should know that it isn't nearly as...