
  1. Nexi

    Topiramate Any Thoughts?

    It has recently been suggested that I try Topiramate since I have the cluster headaches, fibro pain and lack of sleep. Anybody have any experience using Topiramate?
  2. L

    Discontinuing Cymbalta--Ugh!

    Two weeks into my Cymbalta taper with Zoloft replacement and I'm wondering why I ever began this drug in the first place. Yes, it did help some with pain but I've got to wonder what price I paid for that. Headaches, brain zaps, nausea, anxiety, pain, GI dysfunction, and a whacked out sleep...
  3. V

    Signs? Runs in family. Please help.

    Hey everyone. So my grandmother had fibro and I think my mother may as well. I've been researching some symptoms of fibro and have found a lot that march what I've been dealing with for 8 years, but doctors don't want to listen to me. I have widespread pain across my whole body, I have...
  4. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  5. S

    Diagnosed 3 years ago but still lost!

    I was diagnosed by a pretty crummy rheumatologist who basically went off of some blood tests taken by my GP and then felt my joints (which always hurt) and said that I had Fibro. I had no idea what that was and she didnt tell me. I stopped seeing her because she didnt listen to me and didnt seem...
  6. A

    Fibro, depression and PTSD how does one survive?

    I am a 58 year old woman who has struggled with Depression, PTSD and now a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia . I have all the symptoms, from pain, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, nausea and sensetivity to smells. In the last year I have begun a regime of pscye meds, Lyrica for the Fibro and weekly...
  7. A


    Hey, hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! So since I am still pretty new to this fibro thing I have a question. Do y'all get headaches alot? I have had a headache now for almost 4 days. It comes and goes in intensity. Not so sure if that is "normal"
  8. L

    Not sure if it's fibro yet...

    Hello :-) I'm waiting on some blood tests but I think I have fibro. I'll be 51 in a few days and have been suffering from pain and tiredness since my early 30s. I had lower back surgery that resulted in a dural tear and a staph infection so had blamed my lower body pain on that and anything...
  9. S

    Fibro or not?

    For years I've been told I had neuropathy, then pheripherial neuroopathy, and last year Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. I just saw a new neurologist and he did lots of test, including a MRI of the brain and he's ruled out everything neurological. But, he does think it's Fibromyalgia. I don't know...
  10. F

    Wondering if I have fibro

    I have been in a limbo the past few months with my health. It all started around August when I developed an eye twitch. I googled it and was determined I had a serious illness. Once I read about certain diseases (MS, particularly) I was positive that was what was wrong with me and started having...