
  1. C

    Question for those who've had Emg test

    Is it necessary? I already had one the the doctor said was normal. My rhuemotologist, who is great, sent me to a número just to make sure her diagnosis of fibro is correct since my joint stiffness, headaches and tingeling/cramps in legs seems to be getting worse. This new nureologist want to do...
  2. 6

    No pain/pressure points. Do I not have fibro then?

    Mine started shortly before my mom died last year (nov). It felt like bone pain--shoulders, forearms, outer hips, knees, hands, fingers, feet, legs. I thought initially it was b/c I had stopped my cal/mag suppliment (on account of supposed IBS triggering). I went back on it and the pain went...
  3. B

    Hello- help please!

    Hi everyone. I haven't been diagnosed yet but my rheumatologist has mentioned fibromyalgia. He first wants to do a few more tests before we go there he said. So I wanted to share my symptoms and what has been going on for years and would really appreciate some opinions/feedback on whether you...
  4. S

    Could I have fibromyalgia?

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking a moment to read my post. I'm a 35 year old otherwise healthy woman. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been dealing with weird episodes that come and go. The episodes seem to appear out of the blue (are not triggered by stress or any other thing I can identify)...
  5. M

    Epsom salts the alternative pain relief

    Hi eveyone, just sharing what helps me with my fm pain. Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits . Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including...
  6. G

    Anyone else here with fibromyalgia or CF get stomach problems?

    Some back ground. I'm new here. I have been having health problems for 21 years now. It started when I was 24. I was traveling in India and got really sick. A year later I was living in Seoul and got really sick again but this time worse. I was fatigued, my muscles ached, I had terrible...
  7. T

    New to Fibro

    About a year and a half ago I got strep throat which for the first time in my life I had to spend a week in bed. Never heard of before with me. Got through it and a week or so later got this pain in my right side. A piercing pain that got worse. My Dr. gave me a pain killer that didn't do much...
  8. C

    Newly diagnosed. I'm not me anymore!

    Hello all! Newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and asthma. I have been a hairdresser for over 20 years, single mother, strong physically and mentally and very independent! I just turned 60 this year and BAM! I am in constant pain from my head to my toes! Lots of headaches, gut...
  9. L

    Newbie with possible Fibro - advice needed please.

    :grin: Hi I am 45 yrs old. For at least 10 yrs I have had recurrent throat / sinus infections. The past 5+ years I have been tired but now this exhaustion is ridiculous. I have low iron and have had B12 injections for unexplained anaemia. I have spells when I feel ok but not 'full of energy'...
  10. B

    looking for a doctor in wilmington nc

    I have had fibromyalgia thyroid with chronic pain for 10 years I have alot of post on this site .the headaches joint neck shoulders really what doesn't hurt with chronic fatigue its really hard to say glad to see I'm not alone and got place to talk to someone who knows everyone else...