
  1. J

    Got a diagnosis, but I am not sure

    Yesterday my rheumatologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, but I am not sure if this is the correct diagnosis. For the last 12 years my main symptoms have been burning pains in my hands and feet, that can sometimes involve most of my body, that usually start at night, and end when I get up in...
  2. T

    newly diagnosed, feeling lost.

    Hi all :-) I have only just been diagnosed (2 weeks ago) with fibromyalgia, and to be honest I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around and accepting it. For the last few years I've had ongoing hip and leg pain following a car accident and numerous tests have shown no answers, leading to...
  3. L

    symptoms list

    Hi! Im Laila and im 33. I have a two year old son. About a year after I had my son I noticed changes. I would get nauseated for no reason. I was trying moderate exercise with some diet changes and I put weight on. I then started getting daily headaches, which often turned into migraines and...
  4. S

    Supplements that I presume have helped

    Over the past month I've added some vitamins/supplements sporadically; not daily, but on a fairly regular basis. I'm going to outline what I've taken, and what I've seen improvements in. Q-nol CoQ10 - 1-2x per week Solgar B-50 complex - 1x per week store brand Vitamin D3 1,000mg - apprx. 3-4x...
  5. S


    While attempting to put the pieces of this fibro puzzle together for myself, licorice came to mind. I remember reading once that licorice could cause adverse effects in some people: this is according to the University of Maryland Medical Center: "Licorice with glycyrrhizin may cause serious...
  6. S

    Share your headaches, literally

    When this started for me, I had headaches all the time. Upon waking, would come on suddenly throughout the day for no particular reason. They started as "liquid" headaches. For example, if I was lying down on my left side when waking, that's where the headache would be. If I rolled over to the...
  7. S

    Fibro and Menopause

    I know there are a many of us here that are either peri or in menopause right now. I know this topic has been brought up before, but thought I would restart it to see how everyone is coping, therapies used, how its effecting you, etc. The year before coming down with fibro, I was getting my...
  8. S

    CoQ10 improvement anyone?

    My friend gave me a capsule of Qnol CoQ10 the other day. Now, I wake up most days with a terrible headache/neck stiffness, or develop the headache throughout the day. The next day, I woke up no headache, neck felt fine, my head clear, aches a little better (just slightly). Now its the 2nd day...
  9. E

    Medication for migraines

    I've noticed a lot of people stuggling with migraines/cluster headaches. I struggled for YEARS before a doctor tried me on topiramate. It took some adjusting, but I've gone three years (with exception of times in the mold house) with little trouble, where I used to hide in a dark, quiet closet...
  10. S

    New to the Forum

    Hello everyone - I’ve just been recently diagnosed, but have known for several years that I probably had fibro. My mom has it and was disabled because of it and she had seen symptoms developing in me. At her request, I went to see a doctor about it and he was none too happy that I was telling...