
  1. K

    any ideas?

    I know no one but my doctor can diagnose me but I just want to see if anyone else has symptoms similar to mine. I don't have an appointment with my doctor until early february but I'm trying to get a sense of what is going on with me. I'm in my early thirties, I have one child who is almost...
  2. R

    Need advice

    5 years ago, I was healthy, or so I thought I was, then I had a stroke. From that point and time, everything in my life went into a downward spiral. Before all that I worked 2 jobs to keep me and my kids afloat...and then it seemed after all that I could barely get up out of the bed I was so...
  3. L


    Hi fellow FM'ers :grin:
  4. K

    Stupid snow storm!

    Need to vent.... Tomorrow is my first day back at work since early November (I am a seasonal employee).... My regular schedule is 6 hous a day, m-f, but the first two days back are full 8 and a half hours.... This is the stinky part: I'm in western new York.... And we have several weather...
  5. D

    Impossible to Navigate

    Does anyone realize just how impossible it is to navigate day to day life with just one arm? Since I broke my arm on Monday, there is very little that I can do for myself. I can't drive, I can't cook and I cannot even bathe. The most simple of tasks are nearly impossible when one arm is...
  6. L

    Greetings from (frigid) Canada!

    My FM diagnosis was nearly six years ago. Unfortunately, I also have 3 herniated discs and several associated problems with that. Plus I was diagnosed with celiac three years ago. :sad: However, I do not allow this to control me. Initially I did and life was more difficult than it needed to...
  7. Whyfor

    Lower back pain?

    About six months ago, after taking a nice walk, my lower back suddenly went out for the very first time. I was in terrible pain, and nearly had to crawl home. And from that day on, it just seemed to happen more and more frequently, until I was finally at the point where the back pain was pretty...
  8. Whyfor

    Hello, Kindly People!

    Hello to all of you! You seem like such a nice community, and while I admit I've never joined a forum particular to my currently unknown condition, I must say, I feel both excited and nervous! So, here's my story, put as simply as I can manage: I am a 27 year old female with a ten year history...
  9. WarriorPrincess12

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi all: I am a newbie to the world of online support groups but unfortunately not unaccustomed to having pain and health issues since my early 20's. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune related disease in my mid twenties. Months ago I began experiencing chronic pain, and tenderness all over my...
  10. L

    Newly diagnosed and overwhelmed

    After being treated for pain but never diagnosed with anything for nearly 2 years, I was completely frustrated. During this time I was also tested to see if I had early onset Alzheimer's (I don't) and have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Thought I was going crazy. I finally found a...