
  1. Trellum

    Nauseated so badly!

    I just need to vent a bit, guys. Right now there is a big chance I might be pregnant, I took a home preg test and it showed a faint line. I was going to the lab today get a more reliable test (blood one), but I couldn't so will have to wait until tomorrow! The waiting is killing me and my...
  2. K

    McGill pain scale & fibromyalgia.

    Hey everyone! Thought I'd share some information and also see other opinions about this topic. I haven't seen it anywhere else in the forum so I thought I'd bring get it up! I recently was doing some research, and came across some new information (at least it was new to me) about the...
  3. twiztc

    it seems I may have found a wonderful doctor

    Not a family doctor but a specialist dedicating this new clinic in Bolton to Fibro and the similar afflictions. I had my initial appointment with her today and I can't express how wonderful it was not to be met with that look of indifference or distain that you can get with others in the...
  4. I

    New Problem

    It has been such a long road for me. I first got diagnosed with fibro in September, 2011. I had all the classical symptoms of fibro. I have been getting treated for fibro since that time by a neurologist that I recently encountered a problem with. I last saw him in October of 2013. I take...
  5. L

    My Husband is an *******!

    New to the forum. Thanks for all the amazing information. I want to cry knowing I'm not alone (okay I am actually tearing up - stupid emotions). So, I've been 'dealing' with all of my 'issues' for most of my life. I've actually had issues since I was a small child. My mother did what she...
  6. S

    My friend has fibro, is broke, on verge of suicide....

    I have a friend. She is 36. She always had nonspecific symptoms, but after she had her gallbladder removed, she started having severe symptoms. They only got worse after she started and stopped a birth control drug called YAZ. She is, for the past four years, constantly in pain...she gets...
  7. A

    My Story, My Pain

    :pHello Fellow Fibro Members, Of course, obviously I am new... My story does not just center around the fibromyalgia, instead,,,, I deal with many other health concerns. In short, I suffer from multiple back problems including; (degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, arthritis, tears in...
  8. D

    Dealing with Pain

    We are in a situation right now where our family is having to deal with social services. As I've shared before, my husband has a prescription for Percoset because of his chronic pain. The other day the social worker pretty much said that we will not be able to get our children back unless he...
  9. S

    I thought I had a thyroid problem....

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, and proofreading it I see I've been a bit long winded. Even so I hope some of you will read it and feel a connection. I'm looking forward myself to delving into this site for fellowship and ideas and help dealing with this disease. I'm "SandySea" from...
  10. H

    Same time every day

    Does any one else have flare ups on a schedule? It seems that I wake up every morning stiff and achy but after an hour or so of moving around, that dissipates and I feel almost normal. Around 2 or 3 in the afternoon I start to feel achy again. Every part of my body feels inflamed. This is...