
  1. C

    Are there any drugs that help fatigue?

    Out of all the drugs on this planet, are there any that help fatigue? My rheumatologist put me on plaquenil 5 years ago, and almost overnight I was well again and my fatigue was gone. I am in a major flare up and have been sick since early February. I'm tired, feel inflammation, and some...
  2. K


    Hi everyone I was diagnosed with fibro in Feb 2013 at 35 yrs old...I had No symptoms until my mother passed away and then my world turned upside down...I was fortunate to be diagnosed early because when I went to my pcp they ran all kinds of blood work and I had a positive indication for lupus...
  3. M

    Hi everybody

    I just found this group and I hope that I can get some new ideas and different ways to rehash the ones that I already have to fight fibro. I was diagnosed in 2000 and I have been battling it ever since. Right now I can no longer work and on disability. I try to do as much as I can everyday but...
  4. P


    Hi, Just wondered what everyone does for exercise. My doctor keeps telling me I need to get more and that being tired is not a good enough excuse as exercise doesn't deplete energy. :roll: I don't sleep well so would prefer not to get up early to go for a walk then when i get home from work...
  5. H

    Undiagnosed yet and curious

    Hello everybody :) I'm getting tests done currently but I thought I would write down my symptoms just to see if anyone is similar issues as myself..! Please excuse the poor punctuation and randomness as I was just making notes in my iPhone then decided to paste them into here..! My symptoms...
  6. A


    Hello, New to the group. Not new to fibro. Its early , but today is looking good! :wink:
  7. T

    Fibro Cause?

    I have heard/read that Fibro is caused by childhood trauma/accident/stress/ etc. My chiropractor explained it as your "fight or flight" reflex is turned on high and will not shut off. I got to thinking about things yesterday and this is my thought. My childhood and early adulthood were very...
  8. J

    Hi everyone! Jersey girl here!

    Hi all, I'm Kelly, I was diagnosed with Fibro & Chronic Fatigue in early 2012. I have since stopped all medications (about a year ago now) and am doing ok but still in pain most of the time. (not chronic pain like I had in the beginning but enough to notice) I stopped the meds because I am...
  9. R

    New to the title but not the pain

    In the beginning, (6years or so ago), was Graves disease which nearly killed me before I killed it, (radioactive iodine). And, as in the program HEE HAW, they used to sing, "Deep dark depression, excessive misery." It took 4 docs and 3 years to get it regulated. And it was the worst pain by far...
  10. R

    new to this sharing stuff

    Nearly 10 years ago I had Graves disease that almost killed me before I found help--4 doctors! Still didn't feel much better but was going through menopause and was given natural, compounded hormones and started feeling better--somewhat. Buried my dad and father-in-law,(after caring for the...