
  1. J

    Recently diagnosed with fibro but suspected for many years

    Hi everyone! Let me say how wonderful it is to have a space to talk to you people whom are going through the same thIng without having to explain yourself constantly and getting interesting looks. I have been told I have severe fibro and really didnt need to be told that because I feel it...
  2. oliveritas

    Recently diagnosed, still not sure, need help

    Hello. This is my first post. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated. I have had sensitive skin for almost 2 years. It feels like a constant sunburn on my torso and arms when I wear shirts. I now mostly wear a nylon blend which is extremly soft and not irritating to my skin. Normal...
  3. T

    Daughter diagnosed with fibromyalgia

    Hello Everyone! I am grateful to find this forum. I am hoping I can find some real answers to so many unanswered questions. My Daughter has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. She also has Psoriatic Arthritis, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Migraines, Chronic Tension Headaches, Cluster Migraines, and a...
  4. N3sriab

    Just Joined, Just Diagnosed

    Hi, I just joined the forum, I was diagnosed at the beginning of July after 10 months of seeing doctor after doctor and being told by several that my pain and fatigue were all due to mental illness I caught mono last October and never got better I am now very limited in my ability to function...
  5. I

    Newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    So I am a very new blogger, but since I do not sleep at night anymore due to my fibromyalgia I thought this would be a great way for me to reach out to others who are suffering. I was recently diagnosed with this disease so I'm going through all emotions including depression, feeling like an...
  6. I

    Newly diagnosed

    So I am a very new blogger, but since I do not sleep at night anymore due to my fibromyalgia I thought this would be a great way for me to reach out to others who are suffering. I was recently diagnosed with this disease so I'm going through all emotions including depression, feeling like an...
  7. A

    Diagnosed with POTS, but could it be fibromyalgia?

    I was diagnosed with POTS when I was 17, but recently things have gotten way worse than my usual problems. My fatigue is through the roof, it’s so hard to get up and going, if I’m not working I’m sleeping. And I have depression/anxiety, but this isn’t my normal depressive tiredness, and my...
  8. A

    Diagnosed but now another doctor saying I don't have it

    Hi, I got a diagnosis last year, my symptoms have been ongoing for years. Pain in Upper thigh, back, neck mainly. Hot and tender to touch, stiffness and aching. Extreme tiredness, depression, stomach and memory problems. I had routine bloods done recently and found my CCP has been rising for 2...
  9. K

    Newly diagnosed - will I be able to exercise again?

    28 F, recently diagnosed with the "all tests are negative, sounds like fibromyalgia" I don't really understand what having fibro does to my body. Just six months ago I was weightlifting in the gym like a boss. I loved it! I would feel great. Once COVID shut down the gyms - I stopped going and...
  10. C

    Newly diagnosed in a global pandemic and lockdown...

    Hi all, I'm a (very) new member, having joined today, and am hoping for some advice. I'll give you the context leading up to where I am now, if that's OK. I began having pains in my wrists, hands and arms in January 2020. My GP thought it was Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and I was told to...