
  1. D

    Diagnosed today after many years in pain good to have a diagnosis at last

    Hi diagnosed today with fribo after trying to cope with the pain and depresion that comes with it for many years and all the n tests done that were negative... It was good though to have a name put to it, but I feel quite in shock at the moment , the reality will kick in I expect tomorrow. I...
  2. M

    Diagnosed today after 5 Years! Finally feeling relieved & believed.

    After 5 years of on off chronic pain, debilitating flares, tests, scans, hospital admissions, tablet trials and a lot of frustration, I finally got a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia today. Feeling overwhelmed yet finally believed and relieved. But I do feel like, what now?
  3. N

    Newly diagnosed doc not giving me pain relief

    Hi guys, I got diagnosed the other day. I am getting symptoms like fatigue, headache, severe ibs, pain in neck and legs, burning pain sometimes in head and face. Muscle pain. I have mental health problems s only doctor won't give me any medication incase it messes with my meds. Is there anything...
  4. K

    Newly diagnosed and feeling lost

    Hello, I am newly diagnosed by my GP. I have had months and months of chronic pain and several blood tests. My GP has concluded that my symptoms match that of Fibromyalgia. I have spoken to her on many occasions, however, she has never met me or examined me in person despite my requests. The...
  5. C

    Diagnosed four months ago..

    Hello, I’m new here. I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia in September 2021 by a rheumatologist. I’ve been doing my best to manage the diagnosis and feelings surrounding it on my own, but I desperately need help from others who can empathize. I’m 28 years old and my friends and partner...
  6. C

    I was diagnosed last July

    I’ve had fibromyalgia for about four to five years, but didn’t get diagnosed until last year. It started about four years ago. Weather here was bad that winter and I started getting shocks, body was electrocuting itself. But it wasn’t constant or chronic like it is now. My physician assistant...
  7. K

    Diagnosed by GP last year but not seen a rheumatologist yet but skin so prickly, stingy and weird

    Hello so was wondering if anyone can help? I had a six month episode of tingling, prickly skin in 2020 and saw a neurologist to rule out ms, blood tests (showed slightly raised IgE) and a nerve conduction test. Early last year my GP diagnosed me with fibro as she said I had the tender points and...
  8. T

    Recently diagnosed

    Hi, im new. Just came home with this diagnosis. In such agony. Been like this for a few days. Im ready to stay in bed... Ive worked so hard in my emotional recovery, i dont want a setback i understand grieving is part of acceptance. Every day i get out of bed is a miracle. I dont know how to...
  9. J

    Haven't Been 'Formally' Diagnosed, but...

    I just started an account here, and I'm very new to all things fibromyalgia. I don't know if this is what I have, honestly. I'm not even sure when symptoms started, I'm guessing when I was in my early 20s, I'm 49 now. Over the years, I've mentioned some of the weird things to doctors and it was...
  10. P

    A list of MANY fibro symptoms; I found this very, very helpful :) And, I'm 30+ yrs diagnosed

    This is a list of 251 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (Hard to Believe). What are Yours?", which I found online from Septembe 14, 2018. Written by M. H. Shahid. Please search for this ... I saved a copy as a good reminder I'm not alone ... and not a nut job :) Cheers !