
  1. J

    getting diagnosed

    hello I have been having chronic pain and fatigue for a very very long time now I'm finally starting to take lyrica things to my podiatrist however every doctor looks at me like I'm crazy its been almost 7 years I have felt horrible. I've been trying to see you rheumatologist I was told they can...
  2. F

    newly diagnosed

    Hey folks, I'm newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It's been years of suffering not knowing what was going on but I now I have a name for it and can begin to formulate a game plan. My major symptom is debilitating fatigue and dizziness but I also suffer with pain and other weird manifestations...
  3. V

    Just diagnosed

    Hello everyone My name is Nicola, I'm 21 years old and live in Wales, UK. I was officially given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia today after years of joint pain finally cumulated in getting an examination from a rheumy and then an Isotope scan. Today I got the results from my GP. There were...
  4. B

    just diagnosed

    I was just diagnosed by my new doctor but have had pain for numerous years. She started me on cymbalta until my blood work comes back and I see a rheumatologist. My problem with the cymbalta is the sever nausea. I am afraid to take it again because it is so bad. Will it ease up over time...
  5. B

    just diagnosed

    I've just been diagnosed by my new doctor but I have suspected that I have had it for a couple of years now. It was hard to even get my other doctor to listen to me and my symptoms. I look forward to chatting with you guys :)
  6. L

    How do you get diagnosed

    :?: Help Ive definately got GCA. But have something else. Thought it must PMR but Dr gave me Lyrica a few days to help with the pain. It has been amazing! So now I'm thinking it wasn't PMR but fibromyalgia. I have a lot of fibromyalgia symptoms. How do you get diagnosed? Can someone help?
  7. R

    Not Diagnosed

    Hello, I have suspected for the last 3-4 years that I may have fibro. Some days my body hurts so much that I want to cry. I have also suffered from migraines for the last 18 years but I am on medication for them. I should say that I have a very busy life. I work full time in a hospital and go to...
  8. E

    Doctors uncertain - I am pretty certain - Help?

    As I said in my introductory post... I am pretty sure I have fibromyalgia, and family friends with it have all nodded and told me that it makes sense. Unfortunately my doctors haven't been able to officially diagnose it for... whatever reason. I don't know why. My symptoms are consistent with...
  9. N

    New to the forum and not yet diagnosed

    Hi everyone, I'm currently taking a semester off from my university due to what my doctor suspects to be fibromyalgia pains as we just recently ruled out brain structure abnormalities with a CT scan (with and without contrast) and my blood work was normal besides a positive ANA test. I have a...
  10. T

    Did you go to the doctor?

    My friend was reluctant from the first time, since he though the doctor wouldn't believe or would diagnose him wrongly. But everything went okay.