
  1. N

    Newly Diagnosed

    I finally got the diagnosis that I have FM, it has been a long time coming and to be truthful I honestly believed that it would be FM long before my doctor settled on it. I have had unexplained hip, low back and joint pain with no inflammation found for years. It has become more intense and...
  2. V


    I've seen a lot of specialists... and have been in sever pain for months now. No one can give me an answer. My mom, my grandmother, and my cousin all have fibromyalgia and they strongly think I do. I'll try to explain; all my joins (etc, fingers, wrists, elbows, back of my neck, in the little...
  3. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  4. N

    Do you trust alternative medicines?

    Fibromyalgia is one of the most difficult medicines to diagnose and to treat. At present doctors are even battling to figure it out whether the person is really suffering from this disorder, this is due to common nature of the symptoms associated with the disorder. Doctors seem to be fighting a...
  5. L

    newly diagnosed

    Im newly diagnosed.. My hips and legs are the worst, constant stabbing burning pains in both hips my legs ache like I have walked miles. Restless leg syndrome at night i feel like I have been in a car crash when I wake up in the morning. I get brain fog, anxiety and habd tremors. Continous...
  6. N

    Wrong diagnosis before finally being told its Fibromyalgia?

    Fibromyalgia, like many disorders such as epilepsy is difficult to diagnose. In most cases it can take even several years to diagnose and to get to that most of the time, you go through a lot of wrong diagnosis. That on its own can really worsen the situation and make things worse and be...
  7. M

    recently diagnosed

    would like to know if anyone has trouble sleeping in the same bed with husband because of fibromyalgia...
  8. M

    nwely diagnosed

    Hello, I'm new here and just want to share with other people who have fibromyalgia also. I was jusy diagnosed on 9/11/13. morgan
  9. G

    Cure and treatment in Ayurveda

    Ayurvedic treatments are fast gaining popularity in the contemporary situation. There are many Ayurvedic ventures such as resorts, hospitals, massage centres and spas. Ayurvedic treatments are popular as they provide cure for the disorders of the hectic life. There are specific treatments for...
  10. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi. My name is Bev. I finally got diagnosed yesterday! Not that I wanted a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but I wanted to know what was wrong with me and why I was having so much pain and sensitivity (even though in the back of my mind I knew). I even asked my Rheumatologist if there were any other...