
  1. Cynder

    New to forums and FM

    Hello, I'm new. Been in pain for a while now. Noticed neck pain starting about 2006. The last year or two I've been experiencing more and more muscle pain. Yesterday went back to my GP after seeing a neurologist and going to PT. She said she doesn't like to diagnose FMS but she thinks I...
  2. K

    First thought on diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

    I would like to know how did you or somebody else feel when they or you was first diagnosed with it.
  3. S

    Hello from the Land of Coconuts! India

    I am a stay at home mother of 2 children. I live in Kerala, India. Ive been overweight most of my life. After my 2 c-section deliveries, Ive put on even more weight. But before i was even married, i had pain between my shoulder blades, at a specific point, and a few other areas. The doctor...
  4. G

    Fibromyalgia symptoms

    To clear up a few things the psych said that seem to have you concerned: "can take time to diagnose" -- let me explain briefly why. First, the EMG shows abnormalities. The "time" is to be sure that those abnormalities aren't something ELSE. (Remember, many things affect nerves and muscles)...
  5. G

    extreme muscle fatigue

    Your doctor, if he said there is a blood test for fibromyalgia is a complete idiot. One of the things they do to diagnose it is blood tests...because normal blood tests mean it is more likely. In many with fibromyalgia, the sed rate might be elevated, but not all. Fibromyalgia causes...
  6. G

    Fibromyalgia or ALS?

    trfogey has given you very good answers. He HAS ALS--he knows what he's talking about. Please--for your sake--stay with your GP and let them figure out what is going on. ALS just wouldn't take years. Just because you 'read' it doesn't make it so. People can come and post anything on the...
  7. G

    MRI Ok, B12 good, muscle weakness

    Hi, I don't know how to start this, only by asking some questions. I know you guys can't diagnose me or anything, I'm working on things-I just want to know if some of the symptoms I've been having for years are real. I had the muscle twitch test done, and the docs thought I had PLS. I had a lot...
  8. G

    is ALS starting? or fibromyalgia?

    :oops:Hello all I'm 27 male, I'm still not diagnose but I have some very frightened symptoms and I want to hear your oppinions. In March of 2007 after very stressful situation I started a lot of symptoms: -Fasciculations all over my body(very strong I can see my body parts twitching)...
  9. G

    Needing information

    I joined this group in October and have been reading your posts, almost daily, since then. This is my first post. Due to the fact that the medical community seems to have so few answers I find the antecdotal information on this site very helpful. This is my story: In the middle of August, 2006...