chronic pain

  1. A

    Clinical Study in Chicago for FMS

    If I am allow to send out an piece of news, I found from a website there is a medical research study going and has been going on with a company Cerephex for chronic pain. The company is in Chicago and has a product called Neuropoint that delivers electrical stimulation to specific areas of...
  2. S


    I just thought I'd introduce myself here. I received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia recently, although I'm a little annoyed with the doctor who gave it. (He ordered no blood work to rule out other possibilities.) In any case, I'm still fairly new to chronic pain. The problems started in my right...
  3. A

    need a doctor

    i live in ontario i have chronic pain and need to be diagnosed so much pain trigger points knots joints
  4. C

    New here....

    Glad to have found this group. It's calming knowing that the ones here don't judge. I've had this dreadful monster since 1994....way too long. Although back then we didn't know it was fibro. Also have degenerative disks in my lumbar area and cervical area - and arthritis - not sure if it's...
  5. C

    Dr's in Charleston, SC?

    Hi all. I have been dealing with chronic pain which took my perfectly balanced (work full time demanding job and two very little boys) and threw it all out of wack. Depression and hopelessness creeper in. Then a slew of unbelieving or understanding doctors. I have been formally diagnosed by a...
  6. C

    Just diagnosed. There are people like me!

    I was finally diagnosed with Fibro last week. I have been living with chronic pain and fatigue for years. The past six months has been brutal. Things I once loved to do our now impossible. I feel alone. None of my family or friends seem to understand. They would playfully make fun of my daily...
  7. Justmesuzi

    Hello to one and all

    My name is Suzi and I started my journey back in 2001 with diagnoses of rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s disease and Epstein–Barr. By 2006 I received additional diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, Lupus and Chronic Fatigue, degenerating disc, connective tissue and bone disease. In 2008 diagnosed with MS...
  8. L

    A silent suffere

    I have experienced pain for 6 years now. Even though my doctor says I "probably" have it, he has not formally diagnosed me. We have r/o all other things through blood work. I tend to go in to him when I am not flaring, so think that makes a difference. i tend to feel it in my shoulders, elbows...
  9. M


    Hello Everyone, I'm new here but I have been fighting with Fibromyalgia and chronic pain since 2009. I have had RA since I was 12 and was in remission for several years. In 2007 I needed to have my lower back fused. And unfortunately in 2013 my now exhusband gave me the herpes virus. I...
  10. T

    New Here

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Fibro/CFS in Sept 2002 after a viral infection that lasted 3 months. I also found out I have had a genetic immune deficiency since birth. I am being treated by a pain specialist for chronic pain and a doctor who specializes in Fibro/CFS. Despite having good doctors...