chronic pain

  1. M

    Newbie with a new stage in life

    Hi everyone Never thought i would be here, yet here i am newly diagnosed with fibro. I work in the health service and have had contact with patients with chronic pain, but never thought one day that i'll be one of them. Its overwhelming to say the least, but i take comfort that there are others...
  2. Q


    I am new here and have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, my family and I realized I have had it since childhood on and off, but now in my mid 40's it isn't going away. Nothing is helping it except not doing a thing...and as a woman, we all know that just doesn't cut it...not...
  3. S

    Fibromyalgia and Reflex Sympathetic Disorder

    I have Reflex Sympathetic Disorder and Fibromyalgia. 10 years for RSD 9 years for Fibro. I was on Methadone and my doctor has taken me off it, and trying different things. For those of you that have more than 1 chronic pain condition how do you deal with the pain in everyday life?
  4. T

    19 with Chronic Pain and Fatigue

    Hello people ! So recently I have had some really bad symptoms much that describe FM. So I started a new job in April and I was very content for a good month till I noticed some "invisible pain" on my upper back. It felt prickling and I decided to continue to ignore it. After a hellish 3 months...
  5. T

    Hello Everyone !

    Hello people ! So recently I have had some really bad symptoms much that describe FM. So I started a new job in April and I was very content for a good month till I noticed some "invisible pain" on my upper back. It felt prickling and I decided to continue to ignore it. After a hellish 3 months...
  6. J


    Well my story is a bit different i have all the signs of fibro and then some. Was diagnosed with this horrible disease this past summer. i'm serve weather changes , light , noise , stress , food , pain , serve muscle spasms. I'm a hairdresser, Dental Assistant and now a student to University Of...
  7. A

    I feel like I am losing my mind

    This is my 6th year living in constant pain. It gets harder every day for me, I feel my fibro getting worse.. and I'm not sure how to handle it anymore. I've tried many different medications with no luck and so many alternatives and nothing helps. Being in chronic pain has changed me and I...
  8. G

    Hello Everyone

    I am glad to have found this forum. I do not have fibromyalgia, however, I do have Sjogrens' Syndrome. It is an autoimmune disease that gives me overwhelming fatigue and chronic low back pain. I am hoping to get an insight for dealing with chronic pain.
  9. N

    ice bucket challenge

    Should someone with fibromyalgia and chronic pain do the ice buck challenge?
  10. T

    Differential Diagnosis

    Hello, I'm wondering what are the basics for a differential diagnosis between fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, and any other condition that involves generalized pain. I'll appreciate some information about this. Thanks! Thalia