chronic pain

  1. C

    Hello. I am a new member

    I have had Fibro for many years now. It is very discouraging with the chronic pain, depression etc. I have found that IV Lidacaine treatments work for me. At least I get a few days that my pain is manageable.
  2. A

    Newbie saying Hello

    Hi, hope to learn and share with others surviving chronic pain and fatigue.
  3. P

    When is it okay to take narcotics?

    I am fighting with this. People say you're in pain for a reason and you are just masking it but with Fibro that pain is a miscommunication with the brain so it is telling you something is wrong with your hip when your hip hurts but there is nothing wrong with it. Mine hurts all the time and...
  4. O

    mindfulness meditation for chronic pain

    I posted earlier with a link to you tube regarding this subject. I guess adding links to posts are not ok..So I will try again Couple of months back when I was having a really bad flare and nothing was working I found a guided mindfulness meditation for chronic pain on youtube. It has helped...
  5. P

    New to the Forums

    Hello I am Pollen. I was diagnosed late last year with Fibromyalgia although I have been suffering for quite some time. I had to stop working in 2010 and at the time we didn't know what exactly the problem was but now we know! I tried Cymbalta but was very anxious on it and had paranoid...
  6. U

    Fibromyalgia or CFS?

    Hi all, I have had chronic pain and severe fatigue for years and my doctors have failed to find the source. Because I am only 18, they do not seem to consider things such as fibromyalgia or the like and through each round of blood work they just tell me to eat right, exercise, get enough...
  7. J

    New here, 6 years undiagnosed

    Hi everyone! So I am expecting a diagnosis of fibro eventually. I have been tossed around all sorts of specialists and they just cant find anything. I recently changed my medi-cal (Medicaid) to a program called IEHP because medi-cal had no pain management offered and IEHP does, but and that's...
  8. J

    No Diagnosis,5 years of pain, so depressed

    I am new here. I am sure at some point I will be given the Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I started becoming sick at age 30 when my daughter was around 4. I was a single parent from the beginning and life was great. I had a high paying job, we needed for nothing. She is my life. It kills me now that we...
  9. M

    Very confused about my Dx.

    Hello Everyone, I am new here and I'm hoping to get some feedback. I have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis. I know for sure the Osteoarthritis was a accurate diagnose, but still in denial about the fibromyalgia. For starters I have joint pain and muscle aches...
  10. W


    Sorry to be such a pain in the ass, but I recently tried to upload two new posts with links in them that were unapproved by moderators. I read the PM and know it is because of the links, but unfortunately, I cannot seem to PM back, so I will have to put it here instead. :| I read the forum...