chronic pain

  1. I

    I got a new one for you all

    This month my specialist in another state Said my severe back pain and collapsing are chronic fatigue He has made allot of interesting finds in my fibromyalgia chronic fatigue chronic pain 2014 found I have had my whole life hmm and I was believing everyone that I was lazy and worthless...
  2. S

    the torture table

    I recently had a nerve test done. They start by sending electrical currents throe different nerves. Then they use needles to observe muscle reactivity. On a normal person this is not such a big deal. On anFMS patient...this was torture. Each electrical current was the same feeling as hitting...
  3. D

    Just joined. (Hi!) Wondering about naltrexone.

    Hello fellow travelers on the fibro road. I'm about to try low-dose naltrexone for my chronic pain. I'm hoping to to get some input from anyone here who has tried it. Thanks so much, Durga
  4. MEgersheim

    Quitting MEDS for alternative. Pls help.

    Hi all. I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia/CPS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a joint and connective tissue disorder which causes great pain in the joints. I have a 6 year old son and am a newly-wed. My husband is a disabled veteran who also lives in chronic pain, so I have a support...
  5. S


    There was a thread on foot pain but its closed n not much help im feeling desperate as my feet feel like lead blocks, working out is difficult, i trained as a dancer pre fibro n try to not let chronic pain hinder me. i wear nhs inner soles for my flat feet, i havent worn heels for years but the...
  6. S


    There was a thread on foot pain but its closed n not much help im feeling desperate as my feet feel like lead blocks, working out is difficult, i trained as a dancer pre fibro n try to not let chronic pain hinder me. i wear nhs inner soles for my flat feet, i havent worn heels for years but the...
  7. L

    New Member

    Hello and thanks for having me. I have FMS and CFS. I was diagnosed not very long ago. I have been reading that abuse (which I have endured from infancy until 21 - all forms: sexual abuse/multiple r*pes, severe psychological/verbal/emotional abuse, and severe physical abuse) can be a cause of...
  8. G

    Canadian Hello

    Hi All :) I'm in the Edmonton, Alberta area, newly diagnosed. 43, have had symptoms for at least 8 years, if not more. It's gotten really bad the last 2. I am ecstatic to finally KNOW what's going on with me! On Lyrica, which as I keep saying, make me feel like the Tin Man who finally got...
  9. T

    Oh no back to work I go

    So I've only been diagnosed for couple of months and right at the beginning the cymaolta worked and gave me relief and hope that my chronic pain wasn't my life sentence. However latly I've been having extreme pain and ended up off work for a week. Today I go back and am having a huge anxiety...
  10. L

    Fibro/chronic fatigue/migraine/burning skin

    Hi & g'day from Arizona. I was diagnosed three years ago with fibro - but I now recognize that I had symptoms two years before that. I'm a positive person but I've noticed that chronic pain can be quite depressing. I'm mostly sleeping in bed or to fatigued to get out. I'm basically managing my...