chronic pain

  1. B

    moving to willmington nc looking for doctor

    Hello everyone I am new to this site but have read a lot about some you aND sure glad to hear about your experience. I am moving to willmington nc heard about Dr Gregory schimizzi .I have had sever fibromyalgia and thyroid with chronic pain. I have good relationship with my Dr now just...
  2. A


    i am new in blog.It is 7 years that we try to find my problem. i have IBS, fibromyalgia,chronic menstrual syndrome and food alleregy wheat, bresilian mut,banana,vanilla,oats, yeast and lactose intolerante! is there something i can enjoy. that is my big question. i am mentaly strong not...
  3. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...
  4. L

    Need to Vent

    This is long and I'm very sorry, but I have so much pent up anger. :( Hello. I have lurked here a few times but I finally registered just the other day. I did not plan on ever posting, but I'm at my wit's end and I need a place to express how frustrated I am. :( I live in BC, Canada. I have...
  5. D

    Fibromyalgia in Australia - Hi Guys

    Hi all I'm Drew from Adelaide and would like to hear and share about other's experiences with Fibro and your pain and symptoms. I have found it very hard to get even professional help within the Pain community and Specialists in South Australia. I'm throwing my brain open for over ten years of...
  6. M

    Fibromyalgia Chronic pain & Fatigue

    Today was better than the most days. I took Gabapentin,800mg,Ibuprofen 600 mg and Flexeril 10 mg, It really seems to help but I had to fight the drowsiness. You know I didn't win that battle lol. I slept a long time today, the family had to order pizza,I find that we are ordering out more than...
  7. F

    Cured from Fibromyalgia

    Firstly excuse my english as it is not my first language But this might seem crazy, I am finally cured from Fibromylgia MCS and obessive thinking disorder and chronic pain. By using neural retraining program by annie hopper. And this is her website Please use the...
  8. P

    Research - Hyperbaric hope for fibromyalgia sufferers

    I found this article in the sidebar of one of my favorite newsgroups and thought I would pass it along. You can find the entire article by searching on the title (in bold below). It may not be a cure, but it is a step in isolating the problem.
  9. P

    New from Arizona

    Hi. My name is Linda and I'm 55. I used to be an employed engineer until this chronic pain condition killed my career a few years ago. I haven't been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I strongly suspect that's what the rheumatologist will say I when I see him next week. It took me...
  10. M


    Member for 5 minutes. I have had chronic pain from hip bursitis (both) for over 10 years. Injections do not help. The last orthopedic physician told me that there is nothing more he can do. I "will just have to live with it". The pain is so severe now that I can walk no more than a block...