chronic pain

  1. Cheryl Ann

    Hey :)

    Hey All :) This is the first time I've ever been part of a forum. This is the first time I have ever reached out for support for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue. I was diagnosed in April 2012. I have a niece with a slew of autoimmune diseases and 3 cousins with MS, each with...
  2. L

    Medical Malpractice question regarding pain medication- Help!

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a very upsetting incident that occurred this week with my doctor. I was prescribed oxycodone about a year ago for my chronic pain, migraines and Fibro. I was told by my GP and other specialists that this was the best solution at the time, as no other...
  3. D

    how do I know I have fibromyalgia or chronic pain

    Hi pleased to find this forum I'm Kent England Iv been in constant pain for over 2years I've had Mir scans orthopedic said nothing wrong with my spine just some arthritis but I'm a very pain tolerate person it takes a lot for me to go to a doctor since Christmas this year it we only just...
  4. M

    28 and newly diagnosed

    Hello all! I am a 28 yo female and have just recently been diagnosed with FMS and MPS. I have been in a chronic state of pain for the last 2.5 years and, as many of you know, it's been a long ride to get a diagnosis. I have seen a PCP, orthopedist, neurologist and pain management doctor. I...
  5. C

    Dr.s so nasty and doubtful

    Good morning! I am new to this forum and drowning in ignorance of Fibromyalgia and all its little other mental illnesses theta are attached to it. However, why is that doctors never believe you about have this chronic pain and if I swim it will go away! They treat you like you are a drug addict...
  6. M

    Chronic Pain

    What are you doing to help ease your Chronic pain? Help!
  7. Hippiechick91

    New and dealing

    Hey there! I'm 24 and was diagnosed last week with fibromyalgia. I've had signs for about 10 years, but over the past two I have really seemed to be struggling. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Polycysticovariansyndrome and endomitriosis which also both cause chronic pain. 3 years ago I could...
  8. J

    Can't find relief

    Hello, my name is Justin and im a 22 year old who's been dealing with chronic pain for the last 3 years. I woke up with a headache and back pain that never went away. I have extreme pain in between my shoulder blades, neck, and i get terrible headaches. I've had every test done under the sun...
  9. G

    I'm new to this forum and i'm hoping to find some support.

    Hey. I've had Fibromyalgia since 2010 but was officially diagnosed in March of 2011. I struggle greatly with severe depression with psychosis (yes i am receiving professional help). Also staying positive and motivated is increasingly difficult. My pain came on very sudden in October of 2010 and...
  10. B

    looking for a doctor in wilmington nc

    I have had fibromyalgia thyroid with chronic pain for 10 years I have alot of post on this site .the headaches joint neck shoulders really what doesn't hurt with chronic fatigue its really hard to say glad to see I'm not alone and got place to talk to someone who knows everyone else...