
  1. L

    Sleep study for sleep apnoea

    I know I asked already if anyone else had sleep apnoea and there were a few. I did the sleep study last night at home and if this comes back positive I'll be referred for a sleep study as an inpatient in hospital. I'll be really surprised if it comes back negative but still have that wee glimmer...
  2. L

    Sciatica type pain

    Does anyone else experience sciatic type pain? I had a really bad episode months ago because my knees were so bad I couldn't bend or lift properly and my back suffered as a result. It got so bad I couldn't weight bear at all and was frozen to the spot for well over an hour. I've seen a...
  3. vickythecat

    How to be a smart patient

    Hi, These past few weeks, with the acute serious illness of my mom, I was once again reminded of how important it is to be a smart patient. Before I start, I need to emphasize that I have full respect for doctors. This is not about 'dissing' them, or disregarding them. It is about the fact...
  4. N

    Musings on Fibro - Mindset, Bodyset ?

    I have been watching a lot of uTube on fibro. Interesting stuff. I mean, hey, I feel like crap so I'm sitting around right ? I mostly watch stuff presented by doctors, medical specialists. There are some theories that our biggest problem is serotonin reception and/or dopamine receptors. I don't...
  5. D

    Rebuilding muscle and strength

    So we have had an amazing thread on exercise intolerance that's had the most replies ive seen for ages. So those of you who understand i haven't been able to exercise much for over 2 years and i have limitations based on joint i cant squat or get on the ground or bend around as in...
  6. C

    Major flare - need relief recommendations

    Hi All, I got a major flare going on. Right side of neck/upper back is basically locked up tight. Can't turn my head, lift my arm, or basically move. Here's what I'm trying so far: Tramadol CBD Rx Ibuprofen Moist heat What else can I try? I called my dr to get Valium and a steroid pack, but...
  7. S


    Hi.i am 31 years old. Have had constant pain all over my body for months,muscles aches and joints hurt.i wake up all stiff abd have pains in my feet.i am always tired and my sleep is very on and off.i am always tired and generally exhausted. My hair has also started to fall out at times.i get...
  8. S


    Hi.i am 31 years old. Have had constant pain all over my body for months,muscles aches and joints hurt.i wake up all stiff abd have pains in my feet.i am always tired and my sleep is very on and off.i am always tired and generally exhausted. My hair has also started to fall out at times.i get...
  9. vickythecat

    Let's list all the things that do help

    Hi, There are so many posts here from all of us asking others what they do for their pain/exhaustion/fibro fog and all kinds of complaints relating to fibro, that I thought a post listing only the things that do help us individually, might be helpful for us all. Here is my list; - Tramadol...
  10. G

    New here: I have "flare ups" once a month...

    Hi Everyone! I'm new here. I have had fibromyalgia for 7 years. I don't know the terminology but this year I have had what I can only call "flare ups?" Is that the right term? One minute I am at pain level 2, laughing, watching TV with my wife and within a half hour I am at level 8+ laying...