
  1. Tipnatee N

    Weird and strange alternative treatment for fibro

    When it comes to weirdness or the craziest that the real doctors actually practicing through out the years from what I've heard are the bee stings and the leeches therapy. I understand that bee sting had became somewhat secretly popular treatment in many years for chorionic inflammation...
  2. P

    Diagnosed after many years

    I am so happy to discover a place to talk about this terrible malady with people who know how I feel. Thank you for accepting me. I have been seeing the same doctor, a general practitioner, since 2011. I have basically complained of the same symptoms all these years. After my quarterly visit...
  3. C

    Saw 2nd Rheumatologist...and even more confused & frustrated

    BLARG! Now that I got that out of my system, I want to first thank you guys for helping me prep for my new rheumatologist. I made notes and she took the time to really talk to me. Well, as well as a doctor can talk to their patients, I guess. Anywho, I guess my real question is about...
  4. R

    Hi- I'm new to the forum:)

    I was diagnosed in spring of 2014 after first trying to eliminate gluten, which helped for a few months and then my pain came back almost worse. I still don't est gluten as I found I do have an intolerance for it and just feel better not having it in my diet. I've been reviewing the forum at...
  5. Tipnatee N

    There's a fibromyalgia Hater video online

    I pray and beg they will take it down!! Please help me vote this video off utube please!! cause I'm so angry right now I suddenly lost my voice again after I saw it, and I just got them back. I can't believe it how can this video still be up and running??? Help help me vote please!! You can...
  6. vickythecat

    it's too much, just too much....

    I will use this post as therapy...I just have to because I have no other option. 5 weeks ago 2 newly born kittens were left in front of our building. People see that we take care of stray animals, and decide that taking away babies from their mothers and bringing them us is a good idea. (It is...
  7. C

    Pain gets worse

    I moved up my 1st follow up appt one week because pain is bad. The pain in my ribs is finally gone....and just when I thought things were getting better I developed horrible pain on the right side of my neck, shoulder, wrist, and upper back and the heavy fatigue remains. Holy cow, now I...
  8. S

    Shooting head pain - fibromyalgia or something else?

    Hello, I would like to ask if anyone else has experienced this and what it can be. I have a suspected fibromyalgia with my pains migrating from one part of my body to next. For example I would be having needle pin pains in my tights for a couple of weeks, then the pain would stop and move to...
  9. S

    Dark Place

    Hello Everyone, I need a vent to people who understand what we go through. I've been flaring pretty much the last 3 months due to it being winter where I am. I feel like I am in such a dark place right now, like I'm trying to climb out of a big hole but I just can't get out and keep falling to...
  10. M

    travelling pain

    So I've had weeks and weeks of severe hip that had been keeping me awake at night. I'd gotten it somewhat under control with a combination of TENS heat stretching and muscle rub (a very long bedtime routine), but it was still a daily problem. Then I got a bad chest cold, complete with that...