
  1. Trying2GetHealthy

    New member!

    Hello. My name is Skye. I supposedly developed PTSD & Fibromyalgia around the same time. My PTSD was misdiagnosed for years. My fibromyalgia was supposedly all in my head. Life became chaotic. I had no one to tell me what to do or where to get help for my different issues. I was diagnosed in...
  2. vickythecat

    Inspirational Quotes

    Hi, Watching lots of videos on how to overcome hopelessness, dark thoughts, feeling of utter loneliness, I came upon this one task therapists and sufferers advise one to do. The task is simple - look online every day for inspirational quotes and write them down in your journal. And go back to...
  3. medicmurphy

    Been A While

    Greetings to all of you, It's been a few months since I've checked in to the forum. I've been browsing and can see some of you are still actively battling this nasty syndrome. I also see that there are a few more members. The last I posted was about attempting to increase some exercise in an...
  4. Tipnatee N

    Experiencing Kratom for the first time.

    Thanks to those New York hipsters , kratom is now legally selling around New York city and can be easily purchase anywhere ( mainly smoke shop) . So after receiving kratom in the powder in 3oz package labeling MAENG DA today which is suppose to be the most potent for pain killing among all...
  5. P

    Disability decision from hearing- how could they do this with my medical evidence

    Hi- I have fibromyalgia (rheum dx 2011 and multiple Dr.'s), DDD in neck and low back, bilateral carpal tunnel, arthritis in hips, knees, hypothyroid, anxiety disorder. there are so many things with FM im not going to list them all. I filed for SSDI in 2014 and got a hearing in May 2017. Six...
  6. Tipnatee N

    Better sense of reward meaning better day with fibro?

    There's a strong believe that most result of a bad day with fibro is that we lost the sense of reward to do horrific pains sensation that we are feeling now and what we know deep down of what it would feels like after as the days goes by. There're so many talk about what we should do to...
  7. L

    Happy thread!

    I know just about everyone here has at some point probably had issues with a doctor so this should be kind of relateable and amusing at the same time. So back in the day I ended up becoming unable to deal with my bipolar and tried to off myself. Again. So I ended up at this place that I was...
  8. L

    How stupid would this be...

    So I found a 30 day intro to a yoga studio for 30 bucks. Want to sign up. That's a great price. So I'm trying to slowly get back into yoga. They have two studios, one hot, one not. The latter has restorative yoga if anyone knows what that is. Which I plan on partaking in. It's like... yoga for...
  9. Tipnatee N

    2 foolish guys might have experimented temporary fibro symptoms.

    I was watching the TV show called the outrangeous sciences and it showed these 2 foolish men who posted their videos online. 1 man took a bath full of hot chilli pepers sauces , and the other one plastered his face with the toothe paste. :shock: The explanation about the heat burning and...
  10. M


    After being off of Amnytripolane for a season ,I decided loosing sleep and keeping hubbie awake, I would go back on. For the first week I was in heaven ahhhh sleep, lots of it. But!,, Drumrole.....Im Having side effects., swollen white tounge, scalloped edges, and due to the swelling scalloped...