I am an exceedingly practical person, for me its a way of accepting (and venting) that there are things i do not have control over. For me its a way to view the situation as portions of the whole.
Prior to getting sick i was very much a person that if something is happening in your life that you dont like(enjoy/want, whatever word works for you) you take the steps available to change it, and if change isnt possible you take all steps available to make the situation bareable. The problem with FM(please keep in mind this is specific to my situation) i can do all the things available to me and take all the steps available(that in non flare up do help, each little thing makes a difference and the whole is then not so bad) and at the end of the day im still in a crap tonne of pain and feel like crap. I fully understand that this is the nature of the beast(FM), but coming from an (overly at times) practical point of view i need a way to look at the situation in parts and by doing so i can accept that today this is just how it is, and still do the things i can to help myself but accept that those may(during flare up) or may not help. Rather than dwelling on the fact that today is a shitty day, i can accept that ok today is a bad day but i can still do these things to try and help myself(they may or may not help) but those are the parts i do have control over at that point in time.
In reference to the dejecting part, i am someone who is always looking for new ways i can help myself, and in the middle of flare, when at this point i just have to ride it out, thats not a situation i have control over which in itself for me dejecting.
Im not very good at explaining it sorry guys