Recent content by SBee

  1. S


    @Kitkat57 I just wanted to say hello to you. I really believe your body and mind are trying to cope with a huge amount of stress and pain. I am certain that physical pain can be worse from emotional stress, and you are going through such a sad sad time. I am so very sorry for your loss. You...
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    exercise with fibromyalgia

    @chestert6 i fully understand you wanting to maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight can put extra strain on a body, and for some people can affect their self confidence. I suffer badly with chronic fatigue, and like you I miss proper exercise intensely. I have put on weight due to not being...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Oh @Sueb24 I think I will take you and your supportive indignation for me along to my next appointments.😍 I'm sorry you have caught that infection. I hope it wont set up a flare in the fibro or the RA. I am so cautious now in crowds or enclosed spaces. Its taken me a while to ignore the stares...
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    New here and newly diagnosed

    Oh @galp23 I am definitely stealing that quote. Very apt. We all do that " oh, I'm ok" when we really arent. Sometimes its easier to give people what they want to hear. And welcome to you too! You have found yourself in the perfect place to do just that- learn and share.
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    New here and newly diagnosed

    Welcome. I know that weird mix very well - got a diagnosis and am believed at last, swiftly followed by the Umm, what do I actually do about it now? Well done for keep fighting to get your diagnosis. I think it is good you stepped back at times from fighting with medical professionals until you...
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    Pain meds and fibromyalgia

    @Ian waxman I am glad you can still reach out on the forum. Course I'm not going to say ' I know how you feel ' because no one can know the brutal pain both physically and mentally you feel . You always tell it like it is, and always tell others on here to come to the forum for help and...
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    exercise with fibromyalgia

    @sunkacola I so miss using weights. I had a very effective floor yoga\weights plan I did each night until the inflammatory arthritis and the OA both attacked my hands and wrists, so I had to give them up. I can do a reduced chair yoga,just miss out anything that puts weight on my hands, but it...
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    exercise with fibromyalgia

    Ever come across #spoonies? I have only just come across it, explains our limitations in a way that simplifies things, it may be a way to help describe our health battles to others.
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    exercise with fibromyalgia

    Oh this is a big problem for me too @chestert6. I have gone from a 4 mile fast walk followed by an hours run down to a max 20 min slow walk, any more than that and its taking breaks every few mins, and an hour or afternoon rest once home. In a flare? I'm pretty much housebound. Drives me nuts...
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    So exhausted

    i completely understand @sunkacola . Im truly sorry you saw at first hand,at losing your father, how vaccinations can do the exact opposite of what they are designed to do. And I have always believed strongly that as adults, we should make our own choices in such matters. Prior to any change...
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    New to the Forum - Fibro Since a Teen

    Hi @ElementalFlower just wanted to welcome you. I really understand the need to take time to come to terms with your diagnosis. First I was relieved to be believed\diagnosed. Then followed a time when I thought well what an earth am I supposed to actually do with it? You sound like you have your...
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    So exhausted

    Well @JamieMarc when it comes to age I always say I'm coming up to my prime...Seems UK only offers the shingles jab age 65+. I have heard how truly horrible it can be to suffer shingles. Sorry this is an other health issue that had hit you. My( much missed ) Dad had it once and I know how poorly...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Couldnt put it better myself @30 plus years ! Its a bit like dangling the much needed help in front of me then pulling it away again. ( those in my age bracket in the UK could liken it to Bullseye in TV years back - Here's What You Could Have Won 🙄)
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    I think @sunkacola its also a case of " cant see it, cant understand it so I choose to ignore it". But I have to be totally honest and say prior to my proper diagnosis of fibromyalgia I had very little real knowledge of what it involved myself. In some ways it was reassuring to be able to link...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    hi @male sometimes the lack of understanding ( or as we see the disbelief in our symptoms) feels like being kicked when we are already down. I know many people just cant\wont try to understand fibromyalgia,but when those close to us make what seem like to them a throwaway comment about our...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @Sueb24 I am like a pin cushion the amount of vaccinations I have had recently. But after seeing how sick someone I Know who has flu, I am finally grateful for the opportunity to be vaccinated. Only one I didnt get was shingles which seems age related so was not eligible. ( btw you mentioned in...
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    Effective pain med on horizon?

    @30 plus years here in the UK, my dr and myself discussed pain meds,and tramadol was one he suggested. So in UK it seems it is prescribed by GPs. I opted to go with amitriptyline ( though am on naproxen and cocodamol, pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds for other conditions,along with other...
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    Advice needed and appreciated…

    @sunkacola you make some very valid points,views that I hadn't considered. Particularly for disabled to "claim" their space in the world. Many parts of society have been historically, almost hidden from the general world. and thankfully, very slowly attitudes are changing. I'm going to mull...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    @JamieMarc I am sure that some people swear for heat over ice, and vice versa, but for me, having both inflammatory and osteo arthritis I go with whichever feels right at the time. Generally, if I know I have swelling it tends to indicate higher inflammation, so I use ice packs ( Therapearls...
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    stress and Fibro

    @JamieMarc sending one of your famous hugs back at you. In my mind I believe you are reversing the effects in some ways. By acknowledging your own self is worth more than how others have seen you and treated you I think lessens the strength of their behaviour. You hurt of course, but your...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Versus Arthritis site does suggest using paraffin wax, but does not specify if for osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis. I have both but am going to try. An occupational therapist and the the nurses advice moving stiff fingers in warm water is beneficial.
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    stress and Fibro

    Beautifully put @chestert6 ' embrace what you are now and make it work for you. ' thats a beautiful strong yet self caring phrase. something I strive to do as best I can, some days easier than others - but thats improving.
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    I am definitely going to order some. I know its an old remedy and the reason they are still used is simply because it works. Had forgotten about this. And my cuticles could do with the tlc as well!
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    I hope @JamieMarc it doesnt prove to be RA, or similar. For me it was just like ' yeah go on, why not just chuck another condition at me to join in the rest'! I know this is something you have wondered about for yourself. If it is, then the sooner you get on suitable meds the better. you know...
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    Advice needed and appreciated…

    You see @sunkacola and @JamieMarc I'm still coming to terms with using the word disabled for myself. I know it is a fact, diagnoses support that, PIP benefit and blue badge supports that but my mind will need to catch up with that label. I've yet to find a term that seems more suitable to my...
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    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    Needs some further investigations from me. Seems some forms of oral magnesium can hinder the effect of my injected arthritis meds, so will take some further study from me to see if the same applies to the oil\cream method. Drat 😡
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    3 surgerys in 5 weeks

    Wishing you well @Forgetmenot you have had a tremendous stress both physically and emotionally. I hope, gradually you can begin to recuperate. Stress does affect my cognitive state, memory being something that is within that, but it tends to be more short term memory for me. I put it down to my...
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    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    Hiya @Sueb24, definitely appreciate the lull in your symptoms. I am sure most of us assume things such as this can only be temporary, and nervously await the next flare up. But its a fact that individual symptoms can lessen and I am convinced an improvement in a single symptom can have a...
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    Advice needed and appreciated…

    @sunkacola I am renowned for my own list. Its a simple way for me to keep track of tasks, particularly if they are needed to be prioritised. Anxiety and stress has made me lose my ability to multi task, even doing something as simple as perhaps preparing a meal and being asked if i want a...
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    How are you today?

    ooh,me and nausea dont get on well either. When stress is bad nausea makes its appearance. Also one of the RA meds is a git for nausea so I am prescribed folic acid tablets to counteract that side effects. Then again a side effect of folic acid? Yep, can cause nausea! One of those times when...
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    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    Thanks for the swift update @JamieMarc I will be doing a check on UK suppliers to see what is available here. After just one use for you it sounds encouraging. And better a supplement over medications if possible
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    Advice needed and appreciated…

    Along with the great advice above @Melissa47 is to remember something many of us fail to do - give yourself credit for all that you do achieve, no matter how small that may seem. Those of us who are living with chronic illnesses are always good at self criticism, focusing on what we cant do...
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    How are you today?

    Oops. @Auriel I keep forgetting people cannot read my mind ( they wouldnt want to, theres some crazy stuff in there!!) Berocca is a high vitamin mixture, like a large 'tablet' that you drop in water and it makes a fizzy drink. Tastes nice and makes me believe its doing some good. I dont like...
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    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    Be interested in the outcome of this as well. I do sometimes use Epsom salts ( magnesium sulfate ) in warm water when my haands are particularly bad, but its not exactly convenient to do this all day long... The spray oil sounds a good way to absorb into the skin. Let us know how it goes 😁
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    Intermittent fasting - positive results??

    If only the CFS would improve that would help too @JamieMarc but you know how it goes, any kind of improvement is a bonus. Its certainly and achievable method for me. I am a bit of a carb fan,but whatever eating plan is put in place seems to unconsciously make me more aware of how\what I eat as...
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    How are you today?

    Hey @Auriel , sorry you feeling so poorly. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way. My immune system is suppressed due to meds, so have had every preventative immunisation you can think of this year. One thing I always do over winter is take Berrocca? ( well, actually Aldi version about 1\4 of...