Day 33

Seems like ages since I have shared anything. Life is moving a bit more smoothly since the move, but nights are the worse time. Mom does not sleep most nights but spends the time talking to herself. Sometimes she is in a wake like state and other times she is in a awake dreamlike state. I have had to stop her several times from wanting to leave in the night to go home. When I tell her she is already home she gets angry and does not believe me.

I must tell you my friends this hurts to have my mom not able to realize she is at home and often not know me. I tell myself over and over, it is the disease, but it does not stop the loneliness or the wanting to have a good conversation with her again.

Anyways, the lack of sleep makes my brain fog worse and I am so tired in longing for a good nights sleep. Sleeping with one ear listening for sounds of movement does not aloud for restful sleep. OH, but I will stop complaining now and add some cheerfulness in this blog post.

I am getting repairs done to the house and today had a bird feeder put up for the enjoyment of my mother. It was no sooner fulled than blue jays were fighting over the seed. I do hope that it does not attract any bears. We are willing to share some with our friendly chipmunk that lives under the back porch however.

And lastly I am getting a chance to do more cooking and made some yummy apple dumplings the other day. I must be careful that I don't get fat from too many sweets.

I do hope the stress of caring for mom does not throw me into a serious flare. Being weak and fatigued would be a real mess, as my days are fulled with constantly helping her do everything. Some days I want to quit, but then I force myself to just keep going and my depression lifts and my mood improves as I smile taking life one day at a time.

Till next time I hope you all have good days and nights. :)


Wow - you are going through a lot! My heart goes out to you and your Mom. The birdhouse sounds great - I put one up here recently and I love watching the birds (and squirrels:) it attracts. I've been up during the night a lot lately - I've only recently been diagnosed so I don't know what to expect - I'm on 2 Amphytriptalyne per night but they don't seem to be working like they did at the beginning. Is this normal? Hugs to you and your Mom!

Thanks for your kind thoughts. Our new bird feeder has attracted lots of birds and a gray squirrel that was eating all the seed. So I borrowed a box trap and took him far away to live in forest. All was well until today another big gray squirrel arrived on the scene. :(
Not sure about your meds, ask on the forum I am sure someone will be able to help you. :) :)

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