
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Cox-2 inhibitor

An antiinflammatory drug that selectively blocks the cox-2 enzyme. Blocking this enzyme impedes the production of the chemical messengers that cause the pain and swelling of arthritis inflammation.

Tap, joint (aspiration)

A procedure whereby a sterile needle and syringe are used to drain joint fluid from the joint. This is usually done as an office procedure or at the bedside in the hospital.


A procedure in which a sterile needle and syringe are used to drain fluid from the joint. This is usually done as an office procedure or at the bedside in the hospital.

Effusion, pleural

Excess fluid between the two membranes that cover the lungs (the visceral and parietal pleurae) separating the lungs from the chest wall.

Artery spasm, coronary

A sudden constriction of a coronary artery that deprives the heart muscle of blood and oxygen. This can cause a type of sudden chest pain referred to as variant angina or Prinzmetal angina.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

A relatively small (peptide) molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus).

ADH secretion, inappropriate

A condition that results in the inability to produce dilute urine and imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body, particularly lowering blood sodium.

ADH (antidiuretic hormone)

A peptide molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus).
