
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Epidemic myalgia

Also known as Bornholm disease, this is a temporary illness that is a result of virus infection. The disease features fever and intense abdominal and chest pains with headache.

Disease, Bornholm

Bornholm disease is a temporary illness that is a result of virus infection. The disease features fever and intense abdominal and chest pains with headache.

Bornholm disease

A viral infection that is most commonly caused by an enterovirus called Coxsackie B. Symptoms include fever, intense abdominal and chest pain, and headache.

Nerve, trigeminal

This nerve functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and as the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing).

Trigeminal nerve

The chief nerve of sensation for the face, which is also the motor nerve that controls the muscles used for chewing.

Nerve, fifth cranial

The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex.

Fifth cranial nerve

The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex.

Cranial nerve V

The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex.

St. Anthony's fire

One of several conditions characterized by intense inflammation of the skin, such as from erysipelas or ergotism. Erysipelas is a type of spreading hot, bright-red strep skin infection.
