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denellbackwell thats how i feel too like a blood pressure cuff that wont stop getting tighter but all over the body and also like my muscles and joints are ripping apart as the stiffness sets in....gets worse as i physically do anything.

We all use different word to explain but at least we are not alone. When these sensations used to stop my pain and energy was soooo much better....I could actually have a life of some sort with pacing and rest.
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All 4 of my main symptoms are hard to deal with, (pain, fatigue, brain fog, sleeplessness-at night), but the one that alarms me the most is the brain fog. It worries my husband too. I used to have a great vocabulary and have always loved writing but for the most part, poof! it's gone. I have trouble in any conversation coming up with words! I have to visualize the item for awhile as my end of the conversation screeches to a halt. If it is an idea or thought, something I can't visualize ,I usually give up as it may take hours or days to remember the word for it! Oh, and I drop things a lot more, part of it is from a hand surgery I had 2 years ago and the lack of strength.

I have been researching dementia and Alzheimer's to see if I could be slipping into that. (MY dad had Parkinson's and with it, dementia. That disease took a jovial, active, confident, hard working man and locked him up in his body. How horrible! He had some very strange manifestations of the dementia.)
My oldest sister can always come up with some humor. She says if anyone in our family were to get Alzheimer's no one would know the difference!

Humor, one of our strongest allies fellow fibro warriors!
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