Skin Irritations and Severe Itching

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I wonder if you already have consulted to your dermatologist? If you have tried almost everything to no avail, then you might want to seek the help of a doctor this time. Your skin will be assessed and the doctor will probably describe something to relieve you from itch and pain.

For the meantime, you might want to try the mildest soap and cleanser you can find in the market. If you ask me, if we talk of mildest, only thing that comes to mind is Cetaphil. It is almost water-like, unscented, and has no harsh ingredients.
Thanks for the help. I think I am at the point to consult a Dermatologist. I'll continue to try to find things that don't irritate me. I'll give the Cetaphil a try. Thanks again.
Hi there, I was to my own dermatologist and he said to use creams and not lotions. The lotions are not thick enough and don't help the problems. So pick a cream like Cetaphil and put it on up to five times a day. That is what I am doing, but I picked a Gold Bond cream and it helps without my being allergic to it.
I have had dry skin issues all my life and I know how itchy and flaky skin can drive you mad. But I think it is a good idea for you to see an dermatologist on your own as you might have a condition that needs a stronger medication to help it. Let us know how things work out. Good Luck! :)
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