Is Fibromyalgia a reaction to food intolerances?

@Auriel ah bless you. If I had done that, that's my two cats leaving home!😿

I try to keep homemade soup in our freezer, nutritious and easy to digest on those days when even thinking about making a meal leave a you feeling exhausted. Chuck in some chickpeas or beans ( tinned, cos I can't be tagged with soaking and boiling) and there's some easy person added.
My hands can let me down, some days they just won't work so I need ring pull tins. Making some small changes week more achievable some days.
Hope your day got better. 😍
Yes I would so love to do some nice cooking (I've subscribed to cooking youtube channels) yes ring pull tins are sooo much easier, I'll have to invest in some kitchen equipment I feel like I'm missing out + might sound odd but not feeling like a proper woman cos I struggle with these things (could just be a societal indoctrination?) 🙄
Oh @Auriel
Every type of female is a proper woman, please don't down yourself. traditional male\female roles should be cast aside once and for all.

Celebrate the things you do,enjoy the prospect of a new cooking challenge because you want to, not because you feel you are letting yourself ( or ' society ') down. Do it only for you.

I am a pretty basic cook, being veggie \IBS \hiatus hernia certainly limits some of the food choices in our house!😕. Luckily my husband has been vegetarian for 50 years or so, bonus. But he and I have our own strengths and weaknesses, I cook, because he cant, but he cleans, I do washing, he chops wood because he's stronger etc.
I would like to do it for fun and creativeness too' and 💯 male and female roles have changed sooo much over the decades (and I think it super cool) but I think somewhere in my brain there's been a learned thing that i should be that way ? (But I want to do it for fun really, I watch so much nice things being made I want to do the same too) 👍🏻
I make about two slow cooker meals a week, portion them out and freeze them. It works wonderfully for me because it's so simple, it is more affordable than frozen meals or pre-made meals, it's healthier without all those additives and stuff, and it's tastier. I enjoy discovering new dishes, and making note of my favorites.
I also make batches of beet, feta and scallion salad and always have that on hand in the fridge. One of the great things about it is you can experiment and add new ingredients to it. And I always keep deviled eggs in the fridge as well, but I keep the white halves in one container and the deviled filling in another, and then just prepare them quickly when I want some. It's easier for me to store them this way. I'm learning all sorts of new things and getting creative as well in the kitchen. 😀
I have had fibromyalgia for 25+ years and early on learned I was lactose intolerant. I keep a daily journal consisting of symptoms, pain level, activity, food, exercise. This helped me to determine I had a gluten intolerance, which testing confirmed, along with eliminating other foods that were responsible for certain symptoms. I don't take any medication, I never have. Health is good except for FMS. I believe diet contributes greatly to symptoms and pain level. When my discipline fails me and I succumb to forbidden foods I always suffer the consequence. I keep discovering foods that I can't eat and those get eliminated. Yes, it can be boring, but I function and feel better with boring so I stick with it. Learn what your food triggers are (yes, you may have to keep adding to the list) and what other triggers may be (weather, stress, sound, light, odors, etc.) and by eliminating and avoiding these things you should feel better. Good luck, keep fighting, don't let it win.
Auriel, blurry eyes in a.m. has been freaking me out! I thought it was just me or caused by some of the meds I'm on. I definitely need to ask my Rheumatologist! Only in the mornings. I see double vision. After a couple hours, it goes away. Odd.
Yes indeed diet has helped alleviate much of my pain. I also understand falling off the wagon. I don’t attend events with food. You would think it would be easy to stick with the diet (I have followed the autoimmune diet by Amy Myer) but it is hard, especially if you hate to cook like me. Also with my hubby having regular foods in the house definitely makes it tough.
This is a very interesting thread. I found out that histamine intolerance was affecting my digestion and added 4 mgs. of DAO enzymes twice a day, half an hour before meals. That has made it possible for me to eat anything, which was important to me, since high histamine foods are very healthy. I also take Benadryl at night and it helps, where no other antihistamines did. I wish I did not have to do that since those old types of antihistamines are associated with dementia. Has anyone else here tried the Paleo diet? We did it for a year and a half and I lost weight, which I wanted to do, but it made my digestion SO much worse, I did not want to go out in public. All those veggies made me into a one woman gas factory! Does anyone else here have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency? I've never heard of anyone else with Fibro who has gotten it besides myself....