Well, Jay, I think that is a question that only you can really answer. But since you asked for thoughts, I will say that there are two things to consider when it comes to whether you are feeling sad, in grief, disappointed, having a slump or some other thing, or truly depressed. One is severity and the other is duration.
So, severity includes things like: can you take any pleasure in anything or not, can you eat, sleep, get any exercise, talk to people, have any fun at all doing anything. Or... Are you feeling worthless, shut down, unwilling to try, sleepless, losing or gaining weight, not taking any pleasure in anything, feeling hopeless.
Of course there are many other things in both categories, these are just a few.
Duration is measured in months. When someone says "I was really depressed for a week or two", they don't know what depression is. They were not depressed, they were down, sad, blue, disappointed, angry, or something else. True Depression that requires medication is a whole other thing entirely and I wouldn't personally recommend medication for someone who has only been somewhat down for a few weeks. It's only when it starts having a large impact on everything you do and going on for a long time that it is really appropriate to consider medication.
It is to be remembered that anti-depressants are psychotropic medications and can and will alter your brain chemistry, sometimes with good effect and sometimes with disastrous effect. They are not to be taken lightly. Basically, in my opinion, it is best to see if you can just wait it out and come out the other side of it in time, and/or try other approaches for alleviating it before going on meds. I personally think these days too many people just skip over any attempt to help themselves, and just ask for meds and expect them to make it all better. And too many doctors, of course, are ready to push the drugs on people.
Spoken as a chronic clinically depressed person who has taken over a dozen different medications at different times, has been through every kind of therapy, and has lived with depression essentially all of my life.
All of this is, of course, just my opinion. But, you asked.