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sjbrown, believe me I have my moments, too! I keep them to myself, unless I choose to vent on this forum where we all understand. Sometimes things come to a head and you can't feel good about life for a short time, and gotta be mad or whatever, and I do that too. I try really hard to go do something physical to blow that off me, but there are times even that doesn't work out. Keeping those times to the most minimum I possibly can is the thing, I think. :)
For me I am still adjusting to my limitations and struggle but I keep on keeping on. Staying proactive is by far better for me overall. Acceptance can be hard for sure, just gotta accept what is and be thankful for any and all the blessings. Things could be alot worse for sure. I am lucky that I have a husband who is supportive and understanding :)
Hi there. I mostly manage to keep Fibromyalgia under control by maintaining a healthy diet, practicing yoga and mindfulness meditation, supplements that work for me, maintaining a strict sleep schedule, and using my time wisely. I am now able to do CrossFit three times a week, care for my elderly dad and granddaughters and be physically active again—all of which bring me great joy. Gratitude is so important. I focus on what I can do on any given day and let go of the “if only.” I have a small rescue prescription for Tramadol that I take before bedtime when I’ve blown my regimen so pain doesn’t interfere with sleep. That’s a sweet difference from when I was diagnosed 8 years ago and I had a pharmacy in my bathroom. Yes, I still have pain and fatigue, but I’ve learned—mostly through meditation—to view them as background noise. None of this happened overnight. I was fortunate to be in a place 4 years ago where I didn’t have to work everyday and could focus all my energy on researching a wholistic way to managing my symptoms. I was also fortunate to have a supportive nurse practitioner who helped me manage a slow safe weaning off Cymbalta to avoid discontinuation syndrome. (Really important!) She also got on board with research with me. I found a free course online for mindfulness meditation for pain, which was in depth and lengthy, but worth every moment.

Everyone is different, but I believe with perseverance and positivity, you can find the tools that allow you to improve your life. Even a small improvement is a moment to celebrate. When I’m having a less than best day, I remind myself that it’s just a day, give myself permission to grumble, and take it in small chunks.

I hope you all have the best day possible.
Hi there. I mostly manage to keep Fibromyalgia under control by maintaining a healthy diet, practicing yoga and mindfulness meditation, supplements that work for me, maintaining a strict sleep schedule, and using my time wisely. I am now able to do CrossFit three times a week, care for my elderly dad and granddaughters and be physically active again—all of which bring me great joy. Gratitude is so important. I focus on what I can do on any given day and let go of the “if only.” I have a small rescue prescription for Tramadol that I take before bedtime when I’ve blown my regimen so pain doesn’t interfere with sleep. That’s a sweet difference from when I was diagnosed 8 years ago and I had a pharmacy in my bathroom. Yes, I still have pain and fatigue, but I’ve learned—mostly through meditation—to view them as background noise. None of this happened overnight. I was fortunate to be in a place 4 years ago where I didn’t have to work everyday and could focus all my energy on researching a wholistic way to managing my symptoms. I was also fortunate to have a supportive nurse practitioner who helped me manage a slow safe weaning off Cymbalta to avoid discontinuation syndrome. (Really important!) She also got on board with research with me. I found a free course online for mindfulness meditation for pain, which was in depth and lengthy, but worth every moment.

Everyone is different, but I believe with perseverance and positivity, you can find the tools that allow you to improve your life. Even a small improvement is a moment to celebrate. When I’m having a less than best day, I remind myself that it’s just a day, give myself permission to grumble, and take it in small chunks.

I hope you all have the best day possible.
Thank you for sharing :)
Mainegal, you are a woman after my own heart. You have taken what seems to me like a healthy approach to managing this, and my hat's off to you. I basically have the same philosophy and approach.
Has anyone been able to get their Fibro "under control" or know if its possible for it go go into some kind of remission??

I know it is possible but haven’t experienced it.
I know it is possible but haven’t experienced it.
I know that some days arent as bad as others but I wondered if anyone has ever had long term feeling pretty decent. I have a day here and there but thats about it right now.
I had almost 4 years where I had very few flare ups and my pain was mostly under control. I definitely still has a few flare ups (3-4 times a year) but it would usually come after I did something incredibly physically exhausting and they would only last a few days. The "remission" came after I went to a plant based diet and generally started to take better care of myself (yoga, regular exercise, more consistent sleep). I recently had a VERY bad flare up that I am still in after 2 weeks. I don't believe there is ever true remission, just cycles of the illness that are better than others.
Hi Sabrina, you are right. I’m fairly recently diagnosed and am taking Lyrica. The only side effect I’ve had is blurry eyesight and that concerns me.
I to am recently diagnosed.. I am interested to know if you believe Lyrica actually helps... I dont believe it does and dont want to take thw stuff...
I had almost 4 years where I had very few flare ups and my pain was mostly under control. I definitely still has a few flare ups (3-4 times a year) but it would usually come after I did something incredibly physically exhausting and they would only last a few days. The "remission" came after I went to a plant based diet and generally started to take better care of myself (yoga, regular exercise, more consistent sleep). I recently had a VERY bad flare up that I am still in after 2 weeks. I don't believe there is ever true remission, just cycles of the illness that are better than others.
Hi thete so when you say plant based diet... do you mean like just vrgetsbles and fruot?? So as examples what would you habe for breakfast, lunch and dinner? No fish or chicken?
I think it’s a lot to do with yourself and if you are a fighter when it comes to pain like me the other day I went to bed in the afternoon with the usual pain and discomfort lay there for about mins and thought to myself there are weeds in my garden I must get them out pain or not so up I got and weeded the garden as much as I could do came back in the house and believe it or not I felt better thinking I had achieved something that day but I think if you do something even if it’s a small thing it helps you feel better In the long run.
I think it’s a lot to do with yourself and if you are a fighter when it comes to pain like me the other day I went to bed in the afternoon with the usual pain and discomfort lay there for about mins and thought to myself there are weeds in my garden I must get them out pain or not so up I got and weeded the garden as much as I could do came back in the house and believe it or not I felt better thinking I had achieved something that day but I think if you do something even if it’s a small thing it helps you feel better In the long run.
I agree with you 100%. Even if its just little things :) Staying in a good emotional place it just as important and the physical.
I also agree with you Lynda. Do what you can, is my motto. Every day I do what I can. some days that is more than other days and that's OK. :)
I ran into a lady that said her sister in law is cured. I asked how. She went on a diet that did not allow any geneticaly modified foods and no sugar. I am watching this and eating very little carbs, no sugar , using Stevi and no drinks with aspertane. I always get an attack of Fibro when the weather is cold and rainy. We are going to get 5 days of rain but it a warm storm. Will see how I do. I elimatte alot of my pain by swimming in therapy pool and pain management program. I do take Gabapentine but not much. No side effects.
I ran into a lady that said her sister in law is cured. I asked how. She went on a diet that did not allow any geneticaly modified foods and no sugar. I am watching this and eating very little carbs, no sugar , using Stevi and no drinks with aspertane. I always get an attack of Fibro when the weather is cold and rainy. We are going to get 5 days of rain but it a warm storm. Will see how I do. I elimatte alot of my pain by swimming in therapy pool and pain management program. I do take Gabapentine but not much. No side effects.
There are always lots of anecdotal stories like this about any disease or virus or condition or syndrome. If those anecdotal stories were true, however, there's be none of these diseases, because word would get around in no time and everyone would be cured. I take all such things with a grain of salt at best. You don't even know if this sister in law of a friend of a friend actually had Fibro or not in the first place.
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