The pain does move around, and it changes in intensity as well. Sometimes I will go for days being able to get up in the morning without pain, and then a couple of weeks of getting up in a great deal of pain every morning. Rarely I get enough sleep and wake up feeling really good. Sometimes I get almost no sleep at all, and that can go on for days.
Apart from obvious causes, like doing too much work physically the day before bringing corresponding pain the next day, I never know what it will be on any given day.
For me, lately it has been focusing a lot on my legs, which is not uncommon for me, but now it is my shins as well as my calves and thighs, and every step is painful. It's hard to keep motivated when the pain is over so bad, and on top of that we have a pandemic to deal with so the usual life activities are either severely curtailed or non-existent. All we can do is keep putting one foot in front of another.
Actually, I think maybe the hardest thing for me is that I cannot manage a really regular exercise schedule. Working out every day, rotating workouts and activities, is best for me, and I get into a pattern that brings me joy and anticipation each day looking forward to working out or going hiking or whatever it is . But when a bad flare happens for several days it throws that schedule off and and it's hard to get back on the rotation again. Especially when it is 115F outside. But so it goes. We all can only do what we can do, and keep going.