Diagnosis on top of diagnosis/Coping questions

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How long has it been? Do you think inquiring with your doctor or specialist would help move things along? Just a suggestion. I understand how frustrating the waiting game can be 🙄
At present, I am taking an intermediate CBT class
I’m happy you’ve found found this methodology working for you. I’ve found CBT to be extremely helpful as well, in all aspects of life. Being mindful and staying present are tricky tools to master at first but with practice it becomes second nature. CBT tactics are my go-to’s when I’m feeling anxious or having a panic attack. I’ve found the same CBT tools are useful for dealing with pain. It’s amazing what our brains are capable of achieving.
I'll give them a ring tomorrow, ames, 👌🏻
Honestly, if your doctor thought it was "all in your head", they clearly don't take you seriously. Too much is known now for that to even be a thing.
Hi Caylee! Yes my previous primary care doctor didn’t know what was going on and unfortunately the “specialists” he referred me to weren’t much help either. I decided on my own to make an appointment with a rheumatologist at a different hospital. He was a bit confused as to why I was there. He actually said to me, “well you know you have fibromyalgia right?” Apparently it was THAT obvious to him 😂
From there, I switched over to seeing all the specialists and doctors connected in that hospital and it’s been eye opening to say the least. The past two years have been nothing but doctor’s appointments and tests and diagnoses. I feel like I’m putting out a fire one place and three more are popping up behind me.
I seem to have mostly random, rare diseases or diagnoses and I tend to have bad luck. My bad luck has become a family joke at this point because if there’s something weird, odd, and negative that rarely ever happens, it’ll happen to me. Luckily this has taught me to always look for the silver lining. I feel like I’ve become a positive person out of necessity but I feel lucky to have this attitude towards life. Do I wish I had better luck? Sure. But the bad luck has made me who I am today and I think that’s pretty cool.
It’s been a wild ride, especially the past couple years, and I’m not sure where the finish line is. Quite possibly this is just normal life for me now and if so, that’s ok too. Just gotta stay loose and be easy.
I believe there are certain times when “pushing through” is good for
I agree with pushing through, “mentally.” Forcing myself to go - anywhere, or go do a minor chore. By not pushing through Physically, I stand a better chance of getting something done the next day, too. Rather than being down for 3 days, because I DID push too much.
Unfortunately robotic vacuums would not work in my studio. The ground isn’t level.
My kitchen has laminate, with rugs over 85% of it. (Large kitchen dinning room combination). I have 2 dogs that will not walk on the laminate, because they slid horribly the first time they went into the area. They wound up at the vet, because they both actually injured themselves. Anyways - the robot goes up & down over the edges of the rugs quite easily. And I use a “wet wipe” style mop, with a dish soapy washcloth attached to get the areas between. What I’m saying - take a second look at what’s out there.
But I agree that they can be costly. Some large retailers like Amazon sell “refurbished” models for a reduced cost. I recently replaced my downstairs model with a refurbished unit for half of what I paid for the 1st one brand new - and it’s an updated model.
Is punt meant like avoid, dodge, swerve, duck, sidestep? In my dictionary it says it's usually meant for speaking / expressing things, but you mean the action, right?
In American football, the primary scoring method is a touchdown for 7 points. If that’s not possible, they go for a field goal for 3 points. But if the team cannot even manage that, they “drop back & punt” the ball to the other team, to try again when they get the ball back. Sometimes, I just have to stop for the day, and finish another day.
take a second look at what’s out there.
I do appreciate all the ideas you’ve given me. However I’ve lived in my tiny crappy studio for over a decade so I’ve tried to dream of various different way of cleaning the floor. To say the floor is uneven is an understatement. I suppose it’s hard to explain but I’m currently living in my art studio, illegally, aka it’s zoned for commercial purposes only. This is the only space I can afford in my area on my low fixed income, as I’m on disability. I’m on various waiting lists all over the county in hopes of one day getting some government aid and being able to live in an actual apartment with my own bathroom and kitchen. As the building is zoned for commercial purposes, yet the landlord knows many of us “live” here, it’s kind of an agreement of mind your own business and you can get cheap rent. Therefore I’m stuck with a floor in various levels of disrepair, making it hellish to try to sweep. I used to break my back doing it before I had fibro so it’s pretty much out of the question now. I keep a positive attitude though and remain grateful that I have a roof over my head, as many do not. I consider myself lucky in that regard.
@Shel , (my scan result are back) everything seems to be ok (still feel rough as old boot's though) thank's for prayers
@Auriel so happy to hear test results are normal! Sorry you’re still feeling rough, hopefully that will get better with time 🤞
Hope so too , thanks, ames 🤗 😙 💕
I g👀gled Costa mesa yesterday to see what its like, it' looks beautiful (I know your living arrangement thing isn't what you want it to be) but actual Costa mesa looks sooo lovely (I don't know big Costa mesa itself is but what i g👀gled looked nice ) we don't get a lot of sunshine in wales, I think I do believe in prayers and remote energy healing/sending , I think it makes a difference (especially when a lot of people do it same time) ✨🧚🏼‍♀️✨
I actually live in a neighboring city but Costa Mesa is nice. I’m grateful that this area has sunshine a good portion of the year and it doesn’t get unbearably cold in the winter. The summers have become too hot for me so I’m grateful that I have an air conditioner. The beach is close and the mountains are about an hour drive, if you’re looking for snow around here. Where in Wales do you live? And what is it like?
A place called maesteg it's a very very tiny town, we have to travel about an hour to get to any local beaches( i do like the beaches) sunshine puts me in a better mood, (if I was around sunshine a lot, I'd be happy lots!)
@Shel , (my scan result are back) everything seems to be ok (still feel rough as old boot's though) thank's for prayers
Auriel- this is great news-I will turn over my prayers to thanks/praises! It was wonderful to pray for you! I am sorry you still feel crappy. I have had some of the same problems n the past. Aways grateful and relieved at good results, yet left still feeling the same, with no answers.
@Shel I feel the same way! Good or “normal” test results are great news. But then the flip side is still no answers 🤷‍♀️ I feel the relief at first, then more confusion like I’m back a square one 😂🤪 Always good to stay grateful for what we have though. I appreciate your positive outlook on things, makes it a sunnier space around here and I like that 😊
@Auriel I wish you got more sunshine too. But luckily you already have a positive energy and I love that about you! It makes it more enjoyable around here 😍
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