Question.... I have heard the phrase "fibro Itch" Is this a thing?

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Mar 6, 2021
I have the worst itchy shin and scalp. Is fibro itch a thing? If so any remedies?
I have not heard of this being a fibro symptom. BUT fibro is so varied that it could be.

I think that first, though, you should try treating it in various ways to find out if it is something else, and not fibro, because it may be something you can cure.

First, stop using whatever soap or body wash you use, and stop using your shampoo/conditioner, or anything else you put onto your skin or hair.

Do not use any of it for a couple of week and see if that changes anything. (Yes, you can go 2 weeks without washing your hair with shampoo. Just rinse it thoroughly in warm (not hot) water. And you don't need soap to get clean for that period of time, either.

If you simply cannot go without soap or shampoo then go to a natural health store and buy both a shower wash and a shampoo that don't have soap in them at all, and are plant-based, without any chemicals of any kind, and use that.

Second, try an all-natural no chemicals lotion on your skin. Again, get something with as few ingredients as possible and do not put anything on your skin that has any chemicals in it.

If these things do not change it, stop using any chemical cleaning products whatever for 2 weeks.

Also try changing your diet. Go gluten-free completely for 2 weeks. Lactose free the same. Etc.

But only do one of these things at a time or else you will not know which one is helping you.

there are so many toxins in most of the things that most people eat, use on their hair, and put on their bodies, not to mention cleaning products, perfumes and so on, that this could very well be an intolerance that has developed in you. Only removing these methodically from your use and watching the results will tell you if it is one of those things or not.
There was a young lady if I remember correctly that had bad itching on her feet she thought was from fibro and found an itch cream made from essential oils that worked for her. Which probably doesn't help you. Sorry.
Everything sunkacola said is probably the best way to find out the cause.
(((gentle hugs)))
itchy shin and scalp
Shin or skin? 8-). I've read of itchiness in combination with fibro, but think it shd be treated for itself, in the way sunkacola has suggested. - Itchiness is usually dryness or irritation from things you are putting on it, praps even the water or drying after water. If you also have dryness of eyes, mouth, throat, hyperacidic stomach or constipation then you might think of it as sicca syndrome, but again there it doesn't help much to see the connection, each has to be treated by itself, either by alleviating or avoiding irritation... In addition to sunkacola's suggestions you could try minimizing all contact with water (e.g. showering under 2 minutes; less is possible with careful hygiene) & soap etc. Plus, if you are desperate - you cd change several things at the same time and then add them again bit by bit to find out which was the culprit....
Thank you! I use only Vegan products for my face, Hair and body, But it is worth a shot. I will try almost anything.
Might sound strange and I haven't had what you are describing but I have heard that ice helps itching. I have put ice on itching at some time in the past I think but always used lotion or cream at the same time. Or Vaseline or ointment. Those are some ideas anyway. Good luck in finding something that works.
The things that Sunkacola suggested sound great. You might also consider a filter for your shower head to filter chlorine and other chemicals in your shower water as one of the stages to try. Good to have a water filter for drinking water as well. Whole house ones are ideal, but those cost a arm and a leg. We have a shower filter on order from aquasana.
Really do look into the washing powder or liquid you use I found out after changing everything that this can cause all kinds of allergies.
Dyeing hair with henna or even other natural stuff too sadly can kick it off.
The main thing is to stifle the itch - to stop the cycle. My suggestion wd be to get a dr to look at your skin just in case.
They usually can help you with anti histamines to stop a serious case of itching.
all the best and hope this gets sorted out x
It definitely is real. I get it everywhere, except on my scalp. I am already lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant and eat mostly vegan, fish and chicken. All of my products are skin sensitive. Nothing works 100%, but I have found that Aveeno ultra calming nourishing night cream helps, and distraction. It's hard, but do not scratch the itch, only gets worse.
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