Pelvic floor pain

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Oh...yes ...a Doctor told me. My mattress cost me $5000 and I was told that with FibroM, you need to have a semi firm mattress with no sags. My body is lined up and with the right pillow supports on all sides. I had the memory foam mattress before and it was not fact any bed I sleep on....its all the same...with or without toppers. Its definately not the mattress. I know my nervous system is reacting to being still for a few hours. Go to bed feeling normal like anyone else, but then the aching starts after 3 hours. Same in a Chair, If I sit for more than 10 mins.....getting up I look like a 100 year old women trying to walk across the room. Standing at the sink someday for too long peeling veggies, also is unbearable if Im there still for too long. Hence....I like to keep moving around and doing its the time I feel the least intense pain.
Same in a Chair, If I sit for more than 10 mins.....getting up I look like a 100 year old women trying to walk across the room. Standing at the sink someday for too long peeling veggies, also is unbearable if Im there still for too long. Hence....I like to keep moving around and doing its the time I feel the least intense pain.
Yup, all that's exactly what made my wife originally send me to a rheum, even before my continual full flare came on. Task-switching, sitting on swiveables or twist-stretched... Many of us have this a bit, more in the mornings, but that severe stiffness all day it seems only a few, so I'm always keen to hear I'm not the only one.
Oh...yes ...a Doctor told me. My mattress cost me $5000 and I was told that with FibroM, you need to have a semi firm mattress with no sags.
Without sags, of course, but I get severe back ache from semi-firm mattresses, I need firm. My straw mattress costs around 500€, but I'd never say one mattress is best for everyone, many need softer ones. A doctor that says one "size" fits all and is "the" mattress, doesn't know fibro. Good you've found yours tho, if you didn't have to sell your other belongings to buy it...
Do you sleep right through the night without being woken in pain.
Barbella, it would be helpful if you would indicate to whom you are directing this question.
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