Pelvic floor pain

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I can see that you've put a lot of thought and attention into managing your fibro.
I have a long way to go yet, as I seem to be managing a couple of painful conditions.
I have a long way to go yet, as I seem to be managing a couple of painful conditions.
Yeah, many of us have several pain and fatigue conditions, we can very much relate to that.
But to me it seems you've already come quite a way, since you can already see and are starting to increase efficacy that's already half the job. It may seem like a long way to go, but maybe what I've shared can inspire you to try for yourself in your own way.

In the past 3-4 years, I've learnt to see and implement so much every day, that makes me feel there's not a long way for me to go. And getting most symptom areas down to pretty much zero also makes it feel that way. Having only managed to get my exhaustibility energy up to 20% again does make it feel as it there would be another 80% to go. But as there's hardly anything viable to me left to try, I do keep looking, but mainly just have to radically accept that I can hardly see & talk to people or go out of house & garden for longer than 30 minutes. That's a short way to go in many senses of the expression.... :rolleyes:
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Fishing 🎣, did some one mention fishing 🎣. When are we going ? I am ready and waiting 😜 .
Sounds like you also have it tough at the moment, I sympathise with your suffering.
Dealing with chronic pain and fatigue is no picnic to anyone, I think we all find our on way or trying to cope. Sometimes just talking helps.
I've been dealing with pain from the age of 21, on a daily basis. As we get older it seems to becoming more challenging.
You are very welcome to join me, but we have to throw them back. All going well I'm off tomorrow (weather permitting).
Having only managed to get my exhaustibility energy up to 20% again
Am I fogged now, or was I then? I think it's right now. Good to have people around who understand it when we talk gibberish... 😁
You are very welcome to join me, but we have to throw them back. All going well I'm off tomorrow (weather permitting).
Glad to hear you do catch-and-release, as that is my favorite kind of fishing. I love to fish, and there have been times when I have fished (and hunted) in order to have food but if i don't really need to eat it, I prefer not to kill the fish because they are too beautiful to me for me to want to kill them. :-) What kind of fish are you catching?
Coarse type fish, I want to catch carp really up to around the 20lb mark. I went 3 weeks ago & caught around 50 roach up to around 10 oz in weight & a small 10 oz carp. Sport fishing has come a long way since the 80's within the U.K, for a start off we now generally use barbless hooks, which makes a big difference to the welfare of the fish. Also baits differ, dependent on where you fish, boilies my preferred bait for carp. Average price to go fishing at a lake or a pond is usually around £10 per day, payable at the venue. You then need a yearly rod licence at £33, £22 for concessions wherever you go fishing, including rivers. Not the sea or piers as that's free. A fish has a much higher survival rate when using barbless hooks, as sometimes if a fish were to swallow a barbed hook, it's very difficult to retrieve it without damaging the fish. I have also caught fish in the past, ate them, including sea type fish & trout from lakes.
It's took myself a while to get my head around it all again, including the welfare of the fish. Not forgetting due to paying a permit on the day to fish, part of that goes into restocking them, if we didn't pay the fee, then probably half the fish and man made ponds/lakes wouldn't be there. Out of the 50 roach that I caught, all went back to live to fight another day.
I realise that fishing is not every ones cup of tea, but I enjoy it & it's good for my mental health, even if I don't catch anything. Just to get out & sit by a lake for the day within the countryside without any of life's stresses. Apart from the odd ache & pain that could be associated with sitting for a while, but I tend to get up now & again, stretch or have a short walk which helps. Not forgetting choose a comfy seat to take.
I was meant to go today, but with heavy rain today, cancelled it, going next week now, fingers crossed. I could cope with the odd shower, but don't really want to sit out within torrential rain all day for obvious reasons.
I've also bought myself an heavy duty trolley to put most of my fishing gear onto, as it's far easier to pull it around, rather than carry it.
So far the biggest carp I've ever caught was around 8 lbs, caught that when I was around 13, so if I catch any of decent size I'll post some pics on here:)
Are you considering going fishing again?
it's good for my mental health, even if I don't catch anything. Just to get out & sit by a lake for the day within the countryside without any of life's stresses.

I would go fishing again -- catch and release -- but I live in the desert and there are no streams or rivers or lakes anywhere near me that have water in them, let alone fish. I'd have to drive quite a ways to go fishing, far enough that it couldn't be done in one day, so that's not something I plan to do.
Arizona? I've took it for granted that most people have easy access to fishing, obviously not. I've always lived within 10 miles from the coast, although the U'K is only small relatively speaking. Can be very congested at times, another reason for me to go fishing. It's rare for me to not see other people within a 50 mile radius of where I live during the day time, I don't live within a city, either. Generally speaking the further north you go, the less congested it becomes.
G'day Pheonix Boy, I have very similar symptoms to yourself. I too was very athletic all my life. I was a long distance runner, rode track bikes and in my latter years, rode my horses and was extremely fit but now....just doing anything physical with my pelvic area, leaves me feeling like a cripple for days and I can hardly walk after I try something so ask myself...why do it when I feel so bad!
I too, have had extensive x-rays and MRIs. I know now after being in this forum that all my aches and pains in the pelvis are not related to my hip replacement done in 2019 nor the lower back disk degeneration ive been told has been seen in my MRIs, but to the FM is the problem for my chronic.
Have you had any surgery in this area? Im thinking the surgery Ive had has exacerbated my FM pain. Almost like have a big splinter in my body that my immune system does not like and cannot remove. Im thinking that anything alien in our bodies is a big signal to the FM we have to intensive our chronic pain throughout.
Also, do you have any trouble sleeping? My pelvis is the worse of all at night. Ive been told that when we sleep, our blood pressure drops in the early morning hours and when this happens, inflammation builds up, which give unbearable nerve pain. It has to be a result of the FM and of course, the more I use my back or any other part of my body for that matter, the more pain at night in those areas but the back is always constant and the worst. Whats your situation with sleep given you have the same pelvic problems with FM as I do? I wish I could be athletic again and just thankful, I can still walk around but Im sure, any movement now leads to FM pain which especially is worse at night.
My pelvis is the worse of all at night. Ive been told that when we sleep, our blood pressure drops in the early morning hours and when this happens, inflammation builds up, which give unbearable nerve pain.
Interesting, that theory, never heard of it. Was that a doc that told you? The only connection I can find on the fly is on eatingwell saying inflammation causes high blood pressure which to me sounds more like the opposite.

My blood pressure is/was usually high, and dips a lot all night, but no way would I say that that's giving me an "inflammatory feeling". Not saying I don't have one, but when I do, I know it comes from my histamine peaking and can prevent and act accordingly.

Instead pelvis pain I attribute to mattress etc., plus not being able to move (cos sitting still is a problem for me too), not doing enough back twisting exercises. So a soft topper, plus lambskin under pelvis and thighs, and twist-stretching and arching backwards as much as possible during sleep has helped me solve this.
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Me and my twin suffer mobility issues she fell 2 x last month. We both feel that we MUST have Sjorgrens because our eyes, mouth, lips, and nasal passages are bone dry all the x. We take acetaminophen 2 (500mg) with 2 ibuprofen (200mg) once or twice a day if needed and do light exercise such as walking, stepper, and light barbells...We also usre appliances made just for spot massage and stretch each others necks and trap muscles where we hold a lot of pain...I use a plastic hanger tip to release the tightness in the tendon sometimes when she's not home. Best of luck in the new year.
Do you sleep right through the night without being woken in pain.
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