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Odd question

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Sep 8, 2014
I know this is an odd question but does anybody else ever experience flares in their butt cheeks? My butt hurts so bad I can hardly sit down for more than an hour. They also hurt when I lay down. Actually they hurt most of the time. Sometimes walking is very difficult because of the pain.
Hi Krista i get this does hurt to walk and sitting means cushions and in bed i frequently turn sideways and place a hot water bottle against my bottom...very sexy and glam!!

I kind of assumed many people got this...i think fibro can go anywhere.

Hopefully others will reply..we can't be the only two.
I also get butt pain, but not always. I'm not sure if it's a bone or muscle pain though, I assume it must be a bone one for me, because I've two sliding discs in my lumbar spine. I had that before this diagnosis, but now it feels slightly different.
I don't adduce with respect to any organ since all are important and complementary. This could be a normal discomfiture experienced by those who sit for long periods of time otherwise it could be a case of allodynia. Changing positions could help as well as ensuring that you sit on a soft cushion will definitely help. Pain meds can help if the situation becomes unmanageable. Best regards.
I don't adduce with respect to any organ since all are important and complementary. This could be a normal discomfiture experienced by those who sit for long periods of time otherwise it could be a case of allodynia. Changing positions could help as well as ensuring that you sit on a soft cushion will definitely help. Pain meds can help if the situation becomes unmanageable. Best regards.
What I get is kind of a deep radiating pain. I do notice that it comes on when sitting. It's literally a pain in the a**! All kidding aside, sorry you get it so frequently. When I do get it, i usually will lay down on the couch (the cushions are soft).
Yep! I get this quite regularly. It can wake me from sleeping because it throbs and radiates up and around to my abdomen.
I used to get tailbone pain quite often. I think my all over pain has detracted from that, or I'm just not as aware of individual pains so much now that it seems everything hurts. It sounds unpleasant for sure. I can remember using the heating pad quite a bit, as well as an abundance of very soft cushions back when I had the issue. These days, I buy very padded furniture, so that could be another reason why I haven't had this as much lately.
I think you touched on something I have noticed as well WarriorPrincess. I agree that some areas don't hurt as much, or aren't as noticeable when other areas are more intense. Doesn't mean they aren't in pain, but they aren't the strongest so we don't focus on that area as much until it's that area's
My butt, hips and legs hurt so bad for over a year, dx piriformis syndrome, hip bursitis...look them up but sounds like you might also have this. I can't walk up a incline, or stairs, I have to crawl the pain is so bad. Piriformis syndrome may also cause sciatica pain in some. Just had 23 (at least that's my count through the pain) trigger point injections in lower back, butt, legs, hips and steroid injections in my hips. Helped a little. Do lots of stretches.
@suzyg - what you have sounds like what I have developed over the past couple of months. Has your doctor referred to it as "limb-girdle" pain?
I have it in the area above my buttocks (I refer to it as the "belted" area), hips, groin and top/inner thighs. I have it while walking sometimes, but mostly when standing after sitting and crossing my legs while seated.

My xrays show that my back is fine; I have mild scoliosis, but nothing that would indicate that it would be giving me this problem, according to the
sports medicine clinic I just visited.

In hindsight, it reminds me of what my mother had--the same pain/weakness, except she didn't have it until almost 70. We both just thought about it as "getting old." But I go through the same as she did, except I am 20 years younger than when she had the onset. But there are times I have to "push/pull" to get myself up (ex: grab onto a table with one hand, push myself off the chair with the other).

I think for many of us with parents that are deceased, we have to think about their health issues that were never broached with a doctor, simply because they thought of it as a symptom of "getting old."
@sureimsore- My dr did not say "limb-girdle" pain just piriformis syndrome, hip bursitis, pinched sciatica and my fav. myofascial pain. My lumbar mri showed djd, bulging discs, and lumbar Spondylolisthesis changes. If I stand for 20 mins my thighs, butt, back burn, pain on the outside of my knee when crossing legs, pain on inside of the knee (can't touch my knees together, have to use a pillow) my clothes hurt my skin on my legs, hips, butt, back, ect... pain is down to my feet, calfs, it is everywhere. If I walk pain is everywhere, if I take too wide of a stride the pain is like a metal rod from my tailbone, sometimes lower back, down to my feet, that is being electrocuted, stops me in my tracks with tears. Other times feels like lava is being poured down from my back to my feet.
It all started when my legs went completely numb for days, was afraid to use them because I couldn't feel anything, afraid I would roll an ankle and not know it. When the feeling begin to come back, the pain was horrible.
oh and I have rls, oddly enough the meds for rls seems to help the leg pain some, at least the charlie horse cramps are less, or it's the injections, or both, either way I will take it.
@suzyq - ah, OK, bulging discs, that is making more sense. The chiro talked to me about, oh, i forget the name of it now, but possible cracks in the gel? in-between the discs. He got so technical that I got lost in the terminology, lol. But I'm sorry, it must all be pretty painful for you...that's a lot of things to have structurally. He wants me to come in for sessions of stretching rehab, roller treatment, trigger point, etc. It's more than what I can afford right now, because insurance won't contribute, but I'm thinking about it.
@sureimsore- I can relate to money concerns, it is the main reason I waited over a year to see my dr. My legs went,I had to quit work, no income which equals unable to afford dr bills. I had to save up. I got stretching techniques online, I've been through 4 years of PT, it's truly nothing you can't learn online on and do at home. The trigger points have helped, but don't last long, at least not so far. Am hoping more treatments will relax the muscles and I will feel better. All I got at this point is hope. Between all this and fibro, am trying my best to not give in to the pain. Oh I have been using lidocaine cream and patches, it helps a lot, but when I don't hurt I seem to do too much, then hurt more.
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