Whoooaaa, can I take that with any grace at all?

No, but with bashful shyness I'll accept the challenge...
Such a contrast to my wife nagging that I'm 'always' overdoing it - actually like you well-knowing that self-care doesn't come in any way naturally to me, and the reasons for that - same as for her, actually.
But her glass is always enormous, to her, any liquid, even gold, dwindles to invisible droplets.

One of my "arrow deflections" yesterday was to reply to one of her negative worry nags by replacing it aloud with positive self-encouragement plus irony:
"Wow, glad to see you're managing to do your back exercises this early on in the day, like you used to."
But of course having someone next to me

so keen on me getting my self-care act together is nice:
My most powerful relaxation tool is being able to produce an intense positive tingling

in my toes whenever I want to, inside of about one second, and whatever I am doing, which can even make them visibly twitch.
Wim Hof's mention of that in his breathing exercise prepared me for this being possible, but it was Ally's 1 hour insomnia Yoga Nidra that got me on to it, where she dwells upon the boundary between the fingers and "the space around the fingers/toes" and dissolving that boundary, during the guided quick detailed body scan.
By the way I was very surprised the first time at the speed and detail of her body scan, very different to the slow ones I'd learnt in autogenics and progressive muscle relaxation. After first feeling rushed, I realized that focusing on even tiny bits of my body (e.g. teeth, gums, root of the tongue, roof of the mouth) is perfect to retain my attention on my body - and a bit further away from all the 1000s of thoughts I still have. As a contrast the slow ones often just lumped the whole face together, not even detailing the jaw. That leaves the details up to me, but only if I remember and am concentrated, sometimes easier in a group atmosphere, but that has other disadvantages. Ally manages the speedier body scan un-rushed and half-whispering, returning, repeating, ending on the right whole body half, and when she switches to the other body half with slightly different focusing it's possible to switch back, also possible to try to do both body halves at the same time, and after ending on the left whole body half she diagonally joins left body right brain same as right body left brain.... And that is only one of about 6 parts to this session, where I actually often jump in to the images (starting with "a green moth") at about minute 35 when I feel I only need about 10 minutes.
After a neighbour's door bell and feet trampling over woke me up and kept me "awake" despite ear plugs, and self-reflection keeping my heart thumping all the time "early" (8-10) this morning, I was able to go into an NSDR "deep doze" using just the toe tingling "stim" plus not quite as developed finger tingling and back of head/brain/mind tingling for an hour and a half. Counting that as restorative sleep got me up to the full 8 hours that I only seem to need since the 3rd jab & the antihistamine (before that since fibro 9h-11h). Despite "thinking" "awake" all the time... Much better & more restorative for me than any shallow or artificial pill sleep.