How long did it take you to learn to do body scans and successfully relax the tension filled areas?
Hehe, I first "learnt" meditation, autogenics / autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, image techniques, body scans when I was about 16, and I
still don't find any of them at all easy, they don't come natural to me at all. I can/could guide others really well, know all the tricks, and while doing that could do it a bit better, but when I do it alone for myself I'm often just not concentrated. Ally Boothroyd's guided NSDR/YN help me most at night, and using hers regularly help me a little bit to do it alone.
In the daytime I continually go one step deeper into relaxation, sometimes it feels like there's about 5 stages. I can often do it best in short moments while doing another activity. I often need to multi-task to keep my brain on track anyway, like I can listen to something better if I'm doing something else at the same time, or at least if I write down what I'm hearing. My best relaxation training is jaw pain - I can stop it, if I can relax it deep enough, as soon as it starts nagging again, I have to sense my jaw muscles again, and often they are just as tense as before.
I haven’t figured out how to pull out specific parts of text to respond to yet
There's loads of ways:
You can mark texts (even from various posts), then click on "+quote" that automatically comes up, and repeat that, finally go down to the answer box and click on "insert", then you can change the order, and then write a reply under each bit.
Or you can mark one text portion and go on reply and only that portion will be taken up.
If you then want further texts, you can leave your cursor where you want them, then go up to the text and mark it, click on the "reply with quote" that comes up, and only those bits will then be inserted as a quote where the cursor is.
Or you can reply with quote and delete the bits you don't want and divide it up with "return", you can also copy and insert them around, but that can get tricky.
Hope your evening is restful!
Hmm, was it? I think it needed to be and I'm not catching up enough with my energy spiralling down...
So I'll try again this evening... At least I stopped table tennis after 2 games, with a big break, all too much.
I'll mark your wish as an inspiration to even more self-care now...

Thank you!