New symptoms

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@Debbiep76 , what are you doing to reduce the stress and anxiety in your life? If you can get those under control it will help you tremendously. Since you have to wait for an appointment (which stinks), you may as well spend the time exploring all of the many different ways that you can find healthy relaxation in your life.

Being on edge with worry is only going to make life much worse, and has not one single positive aspect to it. But the thing is, you can reduce this if you put your mind to it.
I am a single working parent, stress unfortunately comes with the territory.
I am a single working parent, stress unfortunately comes with the territory.
Stress comes with the territory of living in the world today, it seems, no matter what your circumstances are.

We cannot eliminate all stress from our lives.......or, at least, most people cannot.

but what we each CAN do is find for ourselves the best ways to reduce the impact that the stress has on us. And to learn not to allow worry to invade our lives and ruin our health.

there are literally thousands of different ways to manage stress and worry, and you can find them all on the internet. Everything from fancy rituals and guided meditation on YouTube to simple meditation or relaxation techniques that you can learn and practice. If the first one you try doesn't seem helpful, there are many more to choose from.

The point here is that we may be helpless to remove the stress from our lives. But that doesn't mean you need to be a victim to that stress and worry. You have the ability to learn healthy coping strategies, and it is up to you to do this not only for yourself but also for the sake of your children. The healthy ways you can show them that you learn to use to manage stress will be some of the most important lessons they can possibly have, because the world is not going to get easier for them, and if they can learn from you now how to manage stress in healthy ways it will increase their own chances of having healthy lives in the times to come.
I managed my stress with work outs which is now impossible. Unfortunately I hate yoga or anything like that. There are other things I liked doing to cope which due to financial issues I again cannot do so I am stuck at the moment. I have never relied on my GP for anything major until now and they dont care and are not offering to help.
Unfortunately it would appear that there isnt alot I can do at the moment except to somehow get on with it. As long as I can keep everything from my son, I get I will just have to get used to it.
Thanks anyway
I managed my stress with work outs which is now impossible. Unfortunately I hate yoga or anything like that. There are other things I liked doing to cope which due to financial issues I again cannot do so I am stuck at the moment. I have never relied on my GP for anything major until now and they dont care and are not offering to help.
Unfortunately it would appear that there isnt alot I can do at the moment except to somehow get on with it. As long as I can keep everything from my son, I get I will just have to get used to it.
Thanks anyway
Debbie, I am going to be blunt here.
The thing that I am trying to tell you here is that there are thousands of different things. It doesn't need to be yoga or these other things you say do not want to do. But unless you stop the self-defeating talk that you are using, telling yourself that you are stuck and there's nothing you can do, (which is not helpful and most likely not true either), and make the effort to research online the ways to manage stress you won't find them. You do not have to be dependent on your doctors, and in fact your doctors cannot do anything for you to help you to manage stress and worry. Only you can do that.

Rather than staying in the "I'm stuck" mentality, I recommend you open your mind to possibility and look online for "how to manage stress" or "relaxation techniques", or "how to reduce the effects of chronic worry" or whatever you want to call it. And then start trying something. It might only take 10 minutes a day to change things for yourself. And when you find something that helps, the ramifications of this will echo throughout your life, because it is very empowering to be ab le to do something to help yourself.

Trust me on this. I used to think as you do, "there's nothing I can do about it....." But if you try, there is always something you can do to help yourself. You may not be able to change your physical environment, how much money you don't have, or what you have to do to fulfill your responsibilities. But you do have the power to change how things affect you.
Sorry, but until a GP confirms that the symptoms are stress related, I cannot do anything to help myself. I have undiagnosed abdominal pain meaning I am relying on painkillers and I cannot move much. That's a fact. Also a fact, this is for my GP to help get diagnosed which they haven't in 6 months I have been begging.
Unfortunately I am stuck. Without a diagnosis I am stuck. I am in tears every night as I am relying on painkillers to get me through the day. This is on top of the issues with tingling etc that I am dealing with. Plus chronic daily migraines as well.
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