Need Tips on Solving Insomnia

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Hi Jadedoo! I'm new to this forum too, but I see you've received loads of useful tips already to help you sleep - I really hope they're working!
I was diagnosed in 1996 and for me, getting to sleep has rarely been a problem (it was just the 'waking up, feeling refreshed' that proves so hard for me ;-) but more and more people I talk to, insomnia seems an increasing problem.
The little tip I have to offer - in addition and in combination with the suggested herbal and vitamin supplements - and 'sleep hygiene' practices that people have already talked about, is listening to recordings before sleep. As long as you can tolerate headphones (I couldn't for a long while, but can now), listening to either sleep / relaxation / guided meditation / self-hypnosis recordings can help the brain to slow down and relax and get you more into a sleep-based state. Like Sanders89 and others are saying, it's getting into that 'sleep-ready-state' that makes such a difference. If you search on google there are loads of free MP3s that you can download!
Hope that helps. Warmest wishes, CJ
PS As part of my recovery I'm now an avid fan of Meditation and Hypnotherapy and have a couple of recordings that I'm really happy to share (free, of course), but not sure I'm allowed to post links in here yet!
my doctor tried me on a new med it helps me sleep like a baby and its not a sleeping pill it is called clonazepam.
insomnia can actually lead to manic depression,

but nethertheless try and listen to some relaxing piano.

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I know it's probably impossible with everything that everyone has to try and do in a day, but have you tried just going into the bedroom and relaxing about an hour or so before bed? Not necessarily bubble bath and all the works, but winding down your mind? I know when I had insomnia it really helped to have a diary. I could write down everything, even nonsensical to anyone but myself, and just get it OUT.
About 20 years ago I had the same problem. I ended up taking a sleeping pill each night and that helped. I forget the name of the pill but it was one that did not make me groggy in the morning and was actually pretty good. I did this for one year and then I took myself off of them. This seemed to help get my body used to sleeping properly again.
Now if you want to try some natural things here are some things I do when this happens. I must confess that I now sleep pretty good at night. When you wake up or cannot sleep because your mind is racing you must retrain yourself to go to sleep or back to sleep. One thing you can do is get up and make some warm milk and maybe have a small piece of toast. This will usually calm me and help me sleep. My Doctor told me that if one is hungry it may make you stay up and not be able to sleep. Also the warm milk reminds us of when we were babies and it seems to put us to sleep. Another thing to do when going into bed is take up some kind of hobby, like read or do crossword puzzles. I will do an easy crossword puzzle and this puts me right to sleep. These are just a few things that have worked for me.
I found something easy and it works, went to health food natural grocer and bought liquid calcium and magnesium. It relaxes muscles, helps with IBS, and it allows you to sleep. Take a big tablespoon before you go to bed. Not the best tasting but they have different flavors. None of those meds will help you for any length of time. Good Luck
Well, this is a pretty common thing for those of us with Fibro. And, finding exactly the right thing for sleep is based on the individual as we are all different. The over the counter ways are harsh and, do not work after prolonged use. My best advice would be to ask your doctor. I take a mild sedative that I was prescribed and, I sleep great most of the time. Sadly, we are not supposed to take something everynight. And, it is best to always try and sleep on your own first and, take something only as a last resort for lack of a better word.
Reading helps tire the eyes. Melatonin helps my son, which you can get at Walgreens in the vitamin/supplement section.
Make a proper routines for your sleep. A study shows that it is necessary to go to bed at the time when you want sleep.
I've heard about cherries being good for helping you sleep, it's 3am and i'm wide awake again. It's becoming a daily occurance this now. Have my pills i take in the am and my pills i take at pm to so called help me sleep by reducing the pain, sometimes they work and reduce the pain to a tolarable level but i still can't sleep. I'm lucky if i get 4hrs to be honest. That with work and trying to run a house I feel like a zombie just going through the motions/auto piolt. Its a vicious circle need sleep to recharge but can't sleep coz of pain and muscle spasms, the lack of sleep makes it worse which makes it harder at work which makes me more tired but when i go to bed I can't sleep, can't seem to win. Some nights i just wish i could get a hammer n knock myself out it would be a damn site easier?
Reading helps tire the eyes. Melatonin helps my son, which you can get at Walgreens in the vitamin/supplement section.
I used to read to help me sleep, used to tire my eyes out n my lids felt like lead but now the pain takes over n it doesn't matter what i read i still won't drop off
What about ASMR videos? I love those, I tried them in the past and they seemed to work very well. I also used them when I was feeling so stressed and anxious, I prefer the ones with no whispering or no human voices at all, just neat sounds... Quite relaxing actually!
I just wanted to add that right now I'm listening to an amazing ASMR video that is supposed to make you sleep and relax you, it lasts one hour long and is completely amazing. I know this forum doesn't allow any kind of links, but hopefully I can share the name of the video, so you guys can check it on YouTube! I'm feeling so sleepy and relaxed already! The name of the video is: ''1 Hour of Binaural Bottle Cap Sounds for ASMR Relaxation & Sleep''. Enjoy, I sure am!
I've been an insomniac all my life and have tried almost everything but prescription meds to deal with it. I've found that the best thing for me is to take a sublingual dose of melatonin just before going to bed and let it dissolve under my tongue as I fall asleep.

While my fibro has been getting worse in the last few years, I have had my sleep mostly under control during this time thanks to melatonin. I recommend it to anyone with sleep problems, but particularly a fibro sufferer. We take enough meds but sleep is essential to our health.

Good luck everyone!
You could first get a doctor's appointment and get prescribed some medication to induce tiredness. However if you don't want to do that you can try getting up and doing something that bores you and once tired, try sleeping again. If that doesn't work try any of the following:

-Exercising during the day
-Get a good amount of sunlight
-If its from using the computer, try cutting time spent browsing or install a screen dimming program (like f.lux)
-Drink lots of water (not too much too make you use the restroom at night)
-Get a better diet

All in all just ask a doctor what could be done to help your issues. Hope I helped!
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