Hello new to this forum but diagnosed with FMS/ME in 1989. Been through years of insomnia, usually coinciding with a Fibro flare.
I realize that naturopathy does not work *for me* (herbs and such.) No offense, if they work for you great, or try them and see if they work. Just be careful and inform your doc of all herbal remedies.
BUT if you are dealing with some really hard core insomnia, here's what my doc has done for me, which has resulted in 5 hours of sleep per night for the past month-not bad for me! I'm able to function better now that I can get 5 hrs sleep in a row.
I am NOT on any sleeping pills I cannot tolerate their side effects. So what my rheumie doc does is give me Flexeril at bedtime for cramping, which also makes you tired. And I take a teeny dose of an atypical antipsychotic called SEROQUEL (no I am NOT psychotic) mainly because it is NOT addictive, and because the side effect is extreme drowsiness. So my rheumie doc is basically using the seroquel FOR the side effect. It works for me.
I also find that 50mg benadryl helps, but I get too used to it, and then go off of it for a bit. Incidentally don't buy OTC sleep pills they are THE EXACT SAME as generic Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCL) but if you buy the generic allergy preparation, is MUCH cheaper! AND Benadryl is not addictive. Neither is the Seroquel. I try hard to pick meds that are not addictive. Good luck to you.
I also advocate meditation to quiet those racing thoughts. Takes some practice, but is very effective.