Need Tips on Solving Insomnia

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In the old days they used to recommend drinking a warm glass of milk when unable to sleep. Has anyone ever tried that? I usually can go right to sleep and sleep all night long. However, if I am awakened in the night which has been happening a lot lately, then I am totally unable to get back to sleep. So I am considering your ideas instead of using prescription medications.
The 2hrs after exercise thing does seem to make sense. Usually, you are quite active right after exercise.
Also, do you use electronic devices a lot? Because this might be a problem too.
Also, do you use electronic devices a lot? Because this might be a problem too.

Ya, I actually do a lot. It could contribute a bit to the problem too I guess.
Hello new to this forum but diagnosed with FMS/ME in 1989. Been through years of insomnia, usually coinciding with a Fibro flare.

I realize that naturopathy does not work *for me* (herbs and such.) No offense, if they work for you great, or try them and see if they work. Just be careful and inform your doc of all herbal remedies.

BUT if you are dealing with some really hard core insomnia, here's what my doc has done for me, which has resulted in 5 hours of sleep per night for the past month-not bad for me! I'm able to function better now that I can get 5 hrs sleep in a row.

I am NOT on any sleeping pills I cannot tolerate their side effects. So what my rheumie doc does is give me Flexeril at bedtime for cramping, which also makes you tired. And I take a teeny dose of an atypical antipsychotic called SEROQUEL (no I am NOT psychotic) mainly because it is NOT addictive, and because the side effect is extreme drowsiness. So my rheumie doc is basically using the seroquel FOR the side effect. It works for me.

I also find that 50mg benadryl helps, but I get too used to it, and then go off of it for a bit. Incidentally don't buy OTC sleep pills they are THE EXACT SAME as generic Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCL) but if you buy the generic allergy preparation, is MUCH cheaper! AND Benadryl is not addictive. Neither is the Seroquel. I try hard to pick meds that are not addictive. Good luck to you.

I also advocate meditation to quiet those racing thoughts. Takes some practice, but is very effective.

Insomnia is a very painful thing, especially to the people with fibromyalgia. I don't know about you, but I usually cannot sleep because of the pains. But I have found one interesting remedy : drinking 2 cups of cherry natural juice before sleeping. It works for me quite well and I get to fall asleep 1-2 hours earlier, which makes me very happy.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I'll definitely give some of these a try and report back if something works so then other with insomnia can try it as well.
AND Benadryl is not addictive. Neither is the Seroquel. I try hard to pick meds that are not addictive. Good luck to you.

I also advocate meditation to quiet those racing thoughts. Takes some practice, but is very effective. Karmakitten

Hey Karmakitten... and welcome to the forum! :smile: Just as a side note here, Benadryl is only not addictive if taken in the recommended doses... but when people haven't slept well for a long time, I've read medical reports that state they often take more than is prescribed or recommended, and in those cases, there's a risk, albeit probably small, of addiction.

Also, all OTC sleeping medications are not diphenhydramine HCL. (Not recommending anyone take ANY of them!) There was a short time I used them and they were Doxylamine Succinate which worked much better for me. Again, not taking anything at all now... but waking at 2:30 or 3 every single day *does* tend to wear a person down. :sad:
Are you stressing about anything? I know when I start to stress, it gets hard for me to sleep. Try forcing yourself to lay down in be by a certain time. Do not try to wait up until sleep hits you. Drink a soothing drink such as warm milk or sleeping tea. This usually helps me get a good nights rest. I hope this helps you out.
I know the feeling well. It's like being a zombie when you haven't slept for days. Then when you do sleep it's not beneficial or refreshing. I Just started taking Ritalin 2 times a day and my sleeping has slowly gotten better. The prescription sleeping pills often leave you so groggy and hungover the next day. With the Ritalin I am able to work even though I am in tons of pain. I can at least wear myself out for real and then I sleep better. It's weird being tired and exhausted all the time but not being able to sleep. I wish you luck and hope you find something that helps.
I know what you mean. And when you know your doomed or think your doomed it makes it way worst. Likewise, my fear of thinking I have to go to the washroom after drinking this in an hour, makes me have to go to the washroom much more frequently.

Yeah... I've actually gone through a conversation in my mind that went something like "drat, I'm awake again and it's 2:30 a.m." "I need to go to the bathroom." "I *can't* go to the bathroom because once I get up, going back to sleep will be even harder." "But I really need to go... don't need to invite an infection or pain from not going!" "If I doze off, maybe I can wait an hour or so to get up."

On and on the battle with myself goes. Keeping myself awake by trying to decide whether to get up or not is totally counterproductive!
I find that what helps me is really good sleep hygiene; I have a bedtime routine that starts as early as 7 PM, I will read for a while at that time (not in bed though strictly reserve bed for sleep only) then take A lavender bath salts bath, play with my cat etc... It all is a reminder to me that it's time to wind down and get some sleep! I also love lavender linen spray for my bed, so so relaxing! I do have trazodone if I need it, nonaddictive and works well, but I only use it in emergencies because I can wake up kind of groggy from it. Best of luck to you sweetie and sweet dreams!
I'd suggest two ways that've worked for me over the years. I go for a walk before I go to bed and clear my head of all the thoughts, sort of the day's work, plan tomorrow's. After I get back home I lie in bed, stay completely still and count from 1-100. By the time I reach 100 my body is mostly asleep. After that I just try and focus on counting beyond 100 and that usually does the trick. I fall asleep somewhere between the 500's-700's
If I was you I would just really try to stay calm before going to sleep, helps you get in a tranquil sort of state, and makes it easier to fall asleep, maybe have a cup of tea, this always helps me feel sleepy. And you can buy powdered melatonine which is a natural, but powerful sleep aid. It's not addictive like sleeping pills. I hope this will help you to fall asleep.
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