I am pretty certain that my FM started from a car accident that really affected my neck. I also believe that if I had received the correct treatment right from the start, I would likely not have FM....hindsight is always 20/20. I did see a chiropractor and went for physio right away, but the chiropractor was horrible.
Finally almost 10 years later, I started seeing a physiotherapist, who is also an osteopath (she uses osteopathy to treat me). This has made a big difference, although it took almost a year for the benefits to show. As well, I started one on one physio sessions to build up my strength through very specific Pilates movements. Then I participated in physio Pilates class with only 5 other patients (all with various physical issues). As I progressed we developed a Pilates routine that I did at home 5 days a week. I can now participate in regular Pilates (with some adjustments) and yoga, but again it was slow going.
I started seeing a chiropractor that is qualified in Advanced Cervical Adjustments about 2 months ago. This has really made a difference to my neck and upper back as well. I recommend doing some research about which Chiro or Physio to see (or from referrals from people that have actually benefited from their services). I am very fortunate that I have an excellent benefits plan through my work, so most of this (except the regular Pilates and yoga classes) has been covered. As I cannot tolerate the stronger pain medication (it makes me very nauseated, and my head spins....I cannot function when I take it), I had to look into alternate ways to deal with this, or I might have ended up on disability. I do take Lyrica, only 150 mg at night.