Neck pain disc disease

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I don't have FM but I'm having neck and also shoulder pain due to my scoliosis. I'm afraid that I may have FM. I'm going to see a doctor this upcoming Saturday if I have FM.
I am pretty certain that my FM started from a car accident that really affected my neck. I also believe that if I had received the correct treatment right from the start, I would likely not have FM....hindsight is always 20/20. I did see a chiropractor and went for physio right away, but the chiropractor was horrible.

Finally almost 10 years later, I started seeing a physiotherapist, who is also an osteopath (she uses osteopathy to treat me). This has made a big difference, although it took almost a year for the benefits to show. As well, I started one on one physio sessions to build up my strength through very specific Pilates movements. Then I participated in physio Pilates class with only 5 other patients (all with various physical issues). As I progressed we developed a Pilates routine that I did at home 5 days a week. I can now participate in regular Pilates (with some adjustments) and yoga, but again it was slow going.

I started seeing a chiropractor that is qualified in Advanced Cervical Adjustments about 2 months ago. This has really made a difference to my neck and upper back as well. I recommend doing some research about which Chiro or Physio to see (or from referrals from people that have actually benefited from their services). I am very fortunate that I have an excellent benefits plan through my work, so most of this (except the regular Pilates and yoga classes) has been covered. As I cannot tolerate the stronger pain medication (it makes me very nauseated, and my head spins....I cannot function when I take it), I had to look into alternate ways to deal with this, or I might have ended up on disability. I do take Lyrica, only 150 mg at night.
In 2010 I was given a diagnosis of cervical stenosis after years of pain and weakness in my shoulder and all the way down my arm. I was never able to give a precise, pinpoint location of the pain (which makes sense now). After a couple of mri's I went to a neuro surgeon and ended up having a fusion in my neck to make space for some nerves that were being squished. The surgery did alleviate the pain for awhile but I've noticed it creeping back lately, along with the weakness. I also has carpal tunnel surgery on one of my wrists last year before the fms diagnosis. I can't help but wonder if there is some correlation to these conditions that are clearly nerve related issues and fms. And I wonder if it's worth getting surgery on my other wrist as the pain and weakness are becoming more intense.

Prior to the neck surgery I'd tried several different kinds of physical therapies including chiro and accupuncture. About 18 months ago I tried chiro again and didn't have any lasting relief from the pain. Massage helps but that's temporary. And pain meds really don't do anything. If I had to do it again I'd probably still opt for the neck surgery. Being practically pain free these last four years has been an incredible relief, but what happens if the pain comes back full force again?
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A month ago I had a similar pain. I was with that pain for a week, I've also heard several people with those symptoms. Apparently it is very common here in my country and hope the situation improves. Happy day.
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