Neck pain disc disease

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I have a bulging disc in my neck that was discovered years ago. Fortunately, I was able to get it under control through acupuncture. I get acu around that area every so often to assure the pain does not return. HOWEVER my real problem was discovering the serious issues in my back. Degenerative disc disease, bulging disc, bone spurs and my vertebrae was loose. The pain made me nearly crippled. I had TLIF or spinal fusion surgery last November and it was well worth the tough recovery. No more back pain. But all that stress caught up with me and the Fibro flare up is worse than ever. But at least one problem is resolved.
I have djd c spine, bone spur, something else my brain fog wont let me think of right now and osteoporosis. Funny you posted this because I was looking online last night for chiropractors. I think I'm going to try one.
Spinal STENOSIS was the word I was trying to think of.
I also have neck pain. Cruched disks, spinal stenosis, disk deteration. My 3rd neruologist didnt go off the radiologist report (who said that while there were problems, they werent bad) and found all these issuses and says the radiologist must have been drunk when he looked at my films. Now every doctor just looks at the reports and says oh your fine. Cant get any doctor to look at the films themselves. Also the only thing that stops that type of pain for me is pain medication.
I have had bad neck pain for 5-6 yrs. Cervical facet joints, bone spurs and a couple thoracic joints with arthritis. Think my pain specialist never considered fibro with me since the majority of my pain is in my neck, upper back and shoulders. Rheumatologist checked tender points all over my body and said I do have fibro. She thinks most of the pain is anxiety driven and the cold air conditioning I have to endure at work doesnt help things. I plan on seeing a psychiatrist to help get anxiety better controlled and hope for the best.
I will try the topical rub. I tried going on Cymbalta as recommended by my MD for FM. I reluctantly tried this for several months and quit. Why: sexual side effects, weakens bladder muscle, hallucinations (sounds and perripheral shadow), and the cymbalta didn't really touch the flare ups just kind of made me less ? Affected by it. I have been trying an anti inflamitory diet, is a challenge for me to not have some form of dairy once in a while. Over the last couple years my symptoms have changed. I take AOR 5HTP for my serotonin/sanity

Yes, please do and let me know how it goes for you. I know how awful neck pain can be! So bad it's so hard to function that way! I truly hope you find some relief soon! I've always said that I can stand any kind of pain anywhere, but never in my neck or head. But the neck is the one in the top spot, if I get pain there I really need to take something for the pain (most meds don't work for that, have to wait until the flare is over!).

I hate Cymbalta.. so many side effects. If that med is just making the pain less, but is giving you a lot unpleasant side effects, then I really think you took a good decision by not taking it anymore! Good call in my opinion!
I also have serious neck problems with fusion which causes migraines-which I've had for a couple different reasons since I was 5 yrs. old. Also severe T-spine DDD with fusion which causes spasms, and chronic, debilitating pain. I go to a Chiro and massage which is so important to keep me going. My Chiro is very good and is careful to not force anything. He tells me that in those places it is just important to keep as much movement as possible-which isn't much. I just wish the adjustments would last longer.
Oh yes, ice, ice, ice. I have several ice packs ready to go. Freeze that neck pain!
Hey all,

Just wanted to take a poll. I wonder what percentage of us have problems with our necks and specifically nerve impingement, diminished space between disks, osteoarthritis in C spine? And if anyone has received any help for this, where it has helped with FM/CFS symptoms? I am wondering if this could be a common issue.

My FM started after/during a pinched nerve lasting 2 months. I think the ongoing pain lead to my FM. ANYWHO, I could go on but what do you think? Could chiropractic help or something else help with neck. ��
I agree totally. I finally had an MRI of cspine and lumbar spine. I had 3 spinal cord compressions from the back side and 1 spinal cord flattening front side. Spinal stenosis, 3 ruptured disc and nerve root compression. I had surgery this past Jan. and it has been a rough go. I must address lower back issues also. Have 4 levels of stenosis and ruptured disc. It is also in T1. Am scheduled to have x ray of remaining T's to see what is causing pinching between shoulders. Hope this Helps.
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I also have severe neck pain. neck and shoulders is where my fibro affects me most. I have developed osteoarthritis my neck is also curved the wrong way due to car accidents. chiropractors do help. the massaging helps me more than the adjustments. although due to insurance changes my medical doctor will not give me the referral I need for my insurance to cover chiro costs. if he would just understand how the massage helps maybe he would wise up to the idea.
I have a bulging disc in my neck that was discovered years ago. Fortunately, I was able to get it under control through acupuncture. I get acu around that area every so often to assure the pain does not return. HOWEVER my real problem was discovering the serious issues in my back. Degenerative disc disease, bulging disc, bone spurs and my vertebrae was loose. The pain made me nearly crippled. I had TLIF or spinal fusion surgery last November and it was well worth the tough recovery. No more back pain. But all that stress caught up with me and the Fibro flare up is worse than ever. But at least one problem is resolved.

What type of doctor referred you for spinal surgery? Can you share the medical process of discovering the serious issues in your back? How did you get from your GP to the right medical professional to assess your issues and determine you needed surgery? That's only if you are okay with sharing, of course.
Wow, you and I are much alike, I do go see the chiropractor, and it really does help. It feels like I can't hold my head up anymore, due to the severe pain, I was also diagnosed with osteroarthritis and a few other arthritic ailments.
Hello Everyone New to this site, Yes I to have Severe Disk degeneration and Spinal cord injury due to the impeding disk I am being treated by my rhuematologist and my Neurologist who does periodic static compression test on my arms and Neck, I have a host of Ailments, Severe Neck Pain With this Fibro and Chronic Fatigue, I always thought everyone felt this way and that everyone had the same pain ? go figure.... The botoms of my feet hurt so bad at times I could not walk across a bare floor at times!
I was fortunate to have an excellent chiropractor. I was dealing with terrible leg pain from my disc pressing on my nerve and acupuncture didn't touch it. Then the Chiro couldn't adjust my back or neck without forcing it and he NEVER FORCES your body to adjust as that is not good. He ordered X-rays and discovered the problems. Went to my primary care dr who ordered an MRI. Discovered more problems. I decided on a Neurosurgeon over an Orthopedic because they deal with the nerves instead of just bones. I found who was covered on my insurance and then RESEARCHED. I looked up all I could to find an excellent surgeon. Friends also recommended the same guy. He is the nicest, most skilled dr I have ever met. My first visit he wanted X-rays of my upper back to determine if there was instability of the vertebrae. (Mine was and during surgery the dr discovered it was loose - he put titanium screws to stabilize it).
However he wanted me to try steroid epidurals first. For some people they really work but they didn't for me as my condition was so bad. My surgery was called a TLIF. Recovery is tough but they prepared me for that and the dr's office supported me through it. Also family and friends. I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have other questions. For me surgery was TOTALLY worth it and I'm thrilled how it turned out.
Yes! My FM began when 4 discs in my neck blew out. I had surgery, they fused C5-C6 and the FM got worse! I've had this for 10 yrs, but am just being diagnosed NOW.

I do believe in my heart that FM kicks off with impingement of nerves.

Luv! ♥
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